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June 28, 2024, 19:39:06 by tricia
Views: 867 | Comments: 6

I would like to ask if anyone can identify a rogue plant that has appeared in my garden but have no idea how to upload the photos I've taken. Could someone walk me through the process please?
Tricia  :wave:
George the Pigman
June 16, 2024, 18:11:07 by George the Pigman
Views: 1983 | Comments: 2

Well went today to the lotty and found nearly all of the squash and pumpkin plants I planted 9 days ago had died  No evidence of slug damage  All the leaves were dried up and dead . Certainly not lack of water! I know they don't like transplanting so I've always grown them in roottrainers but it's often a bit hit and miss.
Has anyone any experience of sowing them direct into a bed? The textbooks say its the best way to grow them. If so how do you do it?
June 14, 2024, 13:07:56 by Davyboy1 | Views: 1047 | Comments: 3

Hello  :wave: does anyone have any kent blue peas seeds for sale please, I have looked online to buy and i cant find any stockists. I am trying to buy them for my parents as they loved growing them when they was younger and wanted to get some for them  :happy7:
June 11, 2024, 13:26:40 by Jeanbean
Views: 1577 | Comments: 5

Hi All several years since I posted on this forum but attached is a plant growing on my next door plot. Do any of you know what it may be please?Thank you
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