Produce > Edible Plants

It's snow use

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I have NO cabbages  :-[

The snow built up such a layer on my anti-pigeon netting that it snapped and fell onto the cabbages, thus enabling the pigeons to eat them all. They're decimated.

Also it looks like a hundred rabbits have visited my allotment whilst the snow has been lying there.

The last of my boerecole has been stripped bare as well.

Ah well - now my polt is clear and ready for new planting.

Mrs Ava:
Oh no BB!    :-[  Flaming wildlife and nature!  Sure does interfere with our growing things huh!   :-\

Sorry didn't respond earlier.  May all your pigeons find new country and all your rabbits choose better burrows!

Cabbages and kings, maybe u are stil a prince!  Nothing wrong with that!  Best of luck!  ;D :D ;D

Two things appear wrong here.

1. I thought the idea of pigeon netting was that it had a wide mesh so that it didn't get clogged with snow and hence break under the weight

2. (very pedantic) To decimate comes form the dodgy Roman habit of eliminating 1 tenth of the population (as a form of retribution - now outlawed under the "laws of war") Therefore destroying them all is considerably worse than decimation!!


annihilated then ?

and the netting was sold as anti-bird netting not specifically anti-pigeon.

one lives & learns



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