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Any one got - - - ?

Started by Blue Bird, February 20, 2007, 21:24:08

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Blue Bird

I am looking for an old recipe my Mum used to make for Ginger Wine 
??? ??? ???
it was very dark and thick with no alcohol but really hit your throat when it had aged.  Used loads of lemons and no fresh ginger but a thick concoction's from the chemist if I remember.

Blue Bird

Baccy Man

Does this sound familiar?

Non-alcoholic ginger wine. 

2-4 drams essence of ginger (according to strength of flavour desired)

1 dessertspoonful lemon essence

½ oz. capsicum

1-1½ oz. burnt sugar

½ oz. tartaric acid

3 ½ lb. sugar

7 pints water

Boil the water and dissolve the sugar in it.  When the sugar is dissolved, add all the ingredients except the tartaric acid. Stir all well together and allow to stand for twelve hours.  Then take a little of the wine and in this dissolve the tartaric acid.  Mix well into the rest, and bottle for one week before using.

This will not keep indefinitely.

Blue Bird

Very similar - does it come out really thick and dark???

just remeber loads of lemons ( we used to suck the skins dipped in sugar after wards)

and no capsicum

the burnt sugar is it liquid ??

Baccy Man

I've never actually made it the recipe came from one of the handwritten recipe books I inherited when my grandmother died.

Burnt sugar is made by mixing equal quantities of sugar & water  & cooking until it becomes an amber coloured caramel.

Blue Bird

That msut be so close to my mums recipe will have a go and see

thanks for you time on this


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