Tom Cat taken for Castration..........

Started by purple sprouting, May 27, 2007, 00:12:45

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purple sprouting

Unfortunately he doesn't actually know yet.......not until Tuesday when his routine will be disturbed.

My mum (aged 78) loves him to bits, but he is not nice.  Not friendly, spits and hisses at me (and my mum) and speys (?) sprays(?).  Hope his behaviour improves afterwards.  Does anyone else have experience of this - any advice regarding 'Tom cats' and 'castration' will be gratefully received.   



purple sprouting


Had our 'tom' snipped at 7 months before he developed such anti social but typical tendancies.  His sister was done at the same time and have to say she suffered most.  He showed no adverse affects whatsoever from the day of op and has been lovely ever since.  The operation on male cats is, I gather, far less intrusive and does help with the less savoury characteristics of the non-neutered average tom cat as you describe.  I'd say go for it provided your mum's cat isn't elderly.  HTH

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