The Show > Sunflowers

Sunflower Specific Pests


Are there any pests that specifically attack sunflowers?
I am a total novice as far as gardening is concerned but I would presume the "furry" stalk of a sunflower would  put off slugs or snails.We have one in our garden that our granddaughter grew from seed at school.The majority of the leaves have been chewed but there is no sign of slug or snail trail.In fact I have laid slug pellets around the base,but still they are chewed!Any advice would be most welcome.

Slugs will chomp them quite happily, but it's usully seedlings that are vulnerable.

Once they get above knee high @2' the slugs and snails get too bored to climb up the stem... but some will abseil if there is any where near they can get across from!

Thanks for the replies guys.The plant is about 5½ ft high at the moment with nothing above it.Here's a pic of the top leaves from below.

I go out at different times of the day & night,but have never seen anything on it.


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