Picture posting is enabled for all :)
One little problem! I take photo's in RAW I'm sure there are some others out there who do as well. RAW is to digital photo's like a negative is to film...it needs developing, sort of, most importantly needs sharpening at the very least from your description of what's allowed that would be excluded as it's altering the image!
I understand that some people will be against digital enhancement of pics but...1. All digi cameras take slightly soft pics which need to be sharpened to come up to the standard of film pics.2. There is usually a need to boost colour saturation too, which can be done with film , simply by using a specific colour boosting film. So to disallow this digitally would seem a bit unfair.3. If someone is developing their own film, they wil be able to manipulate the pics in lots of other ways too, so if digital manipulation is to be banned, then so should manipulating in the dark room.cj :)