Photo Gallery > Photo Talk

Competition Changes -Have we gone too far?

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Admin aka Dan:

--- Quote from: sarah on October 18, 2007, 15:19:28 ---can i suggest that the winner of each 'themed' comp gets to chose the theme of the next?

--- End quote ---

I quite like that idea!

what are your thoughts Ken?

On the face of it that would seem a 'poetic' way, before putting the 'Theme' content together I gave a lot of thought about it from all sorts of directions, including that one, and reckoned that might raise a problem in that the person picking the theme might also be the person with a brilliant pic already in their archives to match, or know a friend who had! I don't say that would be the case, but there could be grumblings suggesting that.

 The answer would be to exclude the suggestor, but could still raise concerns that the choice is biased. Added to that, we might get a repeat of the subject matter or close equivalent as people choose their pet subject.

 For those reasons I decided the 'Theme' should be from a permanent non-contributor who would take into account past themes with an eye on variety.

Exactly what I was going to say too KK :)

Sack Kenkew & start again!

That Ken bloke's clearly been giving this a lot of thought!


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