Allotment Stuff > The Basics

My First Allotment...Lottie!

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Mrs Ava:
aaaaaaaaagggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh tetanus!  I knew there was something when I was at the quacks the other day!   >:(

Hi there Les,

I will second the advice about doing little and often. Get your head down and ignore the bigger picture. As soon as you actually get right down to soil level, it all looks very different. I tend to flailabout with a fork, lifting and loosening as much as possible then I get my daisy grubber and hand fork and start sifting through the roots.
Get something to kneel on - I use an old hot water bottle filled with sand - and get to know your soil. Sometimes, I come away having only cleared maybe 2 square metres -but think what you can actually plant in that space.
I have planted a few bulbs as I am looking forward to some scent and colour once the action starts hotting up. However, you havegotyour plot at the best possible time - you have the winter to get your soil in good heart and do stuff like constructing a compost bin and bean trench.
Don't break your back - it will all get done eventually - it is much more important to have a good time than to achieve miracles.
Introduce yourself to fellow plot owners - it is amazing what they know (and can usually offer freebies such as strawberry runners, hardwood cuttings, seedlings etc.
All in all, it is a marvellous adventure which, for me at least, fills a million needs - creative, nurturing, designing, eating, learning all the time.

Hi Suzy

Thanks for the advice.  What exactly is a bean trench?  :-[

We have got some ideas from the boards regarding the compost bins so that is in hand.....

We are about to start clearing the lottie and so ideas as to when to do what is greatly appreciated.

Take care all


See also "Crop Rotation and Double Digging" on p.6 of this Board
great piece by Hugh

Wecome Les,
                   like alot of others here I have only had my Plot for about 6 weeks, so there are many here in just the same boat as you egar to get on but with little experence.But luckerly there are loads of really great and helpfull folk on this site who are happy to share all their knowledgewith you just ask the questions.
I agree with the little at a time school,so far i have just cleared off the the wilderness and rough dug a few beds ready for winter to do its work.good luck with the lottie ,two sheds that is a bonus :D. Look forward to hearing about your progess


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