Photo Gallery > Photo Talk

Photography competition


Hey all,

Hope you are very well and that the harvest has been bumper for you this year!

Just thought I'd let you know about a photography competition I'm running on my blog this month:

You can win a copy of 'The International Garden Photographer of the Year', as well as having your stunning photos posted on a website read by editors and journalists from the major gardening sections and magazines in the UK, including Gardens Illustrated, Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Guardian etc etc etc

Have fun!

I doubt I'm up to that standard but It's good to hear from you again..  :)

Nice to be back! How is the gorgeous allotment?

My OH is the photographer in our house so will pass this on.


   Oooooh, have only just got my new camera,  don't know how to post one yet !    ???

   --   better get busy !        :D


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