Author Topic: Letters of Concern  (Read 7005 times)


  • Hectare
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Letters of Concern
« on: July 19, 2011, 13:26:59 »
Our site is Council owned and self-managed by a committee.  I am the secretary.

 If a plot starts looking neglected and the tenants are rarely seen, I send a 'Letter of Concern' to them asking if everything is alright, or if they are perhaps ill, or need help, or wish to give up their plot.  They are given two weeks to reply, to the Council's allotment dept.

The letter is friendly in tone, not threatening.

One man, who has had a plot for a long time, complained that he'd had the letter and couldn't understand why.  Perhaps he hadn't noticed that the only crop he was growing was 5ft.high nettles?  He has finally accepted that he just doesn't have time any more and has given it up.

Another plot holder was indignant that she received the letter because 'many plots are worse than mine'.  Yes, they might be but they have probably had letters too.  What am I supposed to do, put a list up of those who have had letters?

Another plot has had nothing planted on it for the whole of this year.  The tenants both had operations which meant they couldn't work but instead of letting us know, they just let the plot get overgrown.  When they told us (after receiving the Letter), we strimmed all the weeds but they have now decided not to plant anything this year.  Have they thought of covering it with black plastic?  No chance.

I regularly walk around the site (there are 130 plots) and try to deal with problems directly with the plot holder concerned.  However, if I never see them there is no alternative but to write to them. 

Oh the joys of being the secretary........

Walsall Road Allotments

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  • Hectare
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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 19:09:16 »
I have the same kind of problems.  Everytime I send a letter they take it personally and ask why I'm picking on them and why I don't like them.

No matter how hard I try to explain it's not personal and it's not a decision I make but society rules they still don't believe me so I understand how you feel.

Some days I can take it but others I feel quite disheartened by it all.


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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2011, 20:37:01 »

This year I have not been able to plant my plot up as I would have liked because I had an accident at Christmas and broke my femur, I did let the Chairman know and I got someone to dig it over for me , and a good fairy cleared some of the weeds that had taken hold. I do not know who it was, how nice is that . I am a lady past the first flush of youth to.Lol I have been doing what I can. and have planted  some things, beetroot ,leeks. beans etc. so now I am doing all I can manage to get it back. and up to scratch for next year. will have some manure in for the Autumn. What I am getting at is speak up. don't just let everything go , do what you can . until you are fit again. I love going down to the plot I can't think of a better hobby.


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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2011, 22:33:36 »
Sinbad7 and Betty- I have been in your position many times and it's not nice :(

some people only seem to have an interest in their allotment when someone points out that they haven't been near it for months ???

Now a group of us do site inspections and the letters that are sent are sent by the committee.  This takes away the personal element.

June- sorry about your problem and  I hope that you are getting strong again.  We would always give anyone plenty of time to recover after anything like that.


  • Hectare
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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2011, 23:44:42 »
I to have been really lucky with help from friends and other plot holders.  Had an accident at work towards the end of May.  Which as meant I could not see to my plot.  As I'm site rep was a bit of a nuisance to say the least.  I'm lucky in the fact that I don't have to send the letters out, just keep the allotments officer informed of any problems.  I've now given up work completely (retired) was going to keep going part time till HO retired.  Hopefully will get better as time goes on, but just sitting on my bench at my plot makes me feel a bit better.  This the 1st year we have had regular inspections and it does seem to keep people a bit more on their toes  ;D ;D 
I no he sent out some letters at the beginning of the year, it made people either get on with it or hand the plots back.  But like others have found, if you let the powers that be no theres a problem they will try to help.
Having said that I think we all no that at some point no matter how much you do for some its never enough or they think there a special case.


  • Hectare
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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2011, 05:19:34 »
June and Taurus, if only everyone was as sensible as you both are :)  (Hope you are both on the mend now)
 All we ask is that people keep us informed of any problems they are having.

The Letter doesn't have my name on, but looks as though it is sent by the Allotments Dept.  The reply has to be sent to the A.D. 

We are having our twice-yearly Site Inspection by the Allotments Officer today.  I've let people know about it but the only ones who seem concerned are the ones whose plots are well-tended anyway!
Walsall Road Allotments

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  • Hectare
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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2011, 07:15:06 »
I normally try to make the first "letter of concern" a low-key inquiry via email. But it does have my name on it; and if it's a letter, my home address as well. But plot inspections are done by several people - not all of whom are committee members - and discussed on an individual basis at a committee meeting. So I make it quite clear that it's not a personal decision, but a request from the committee.

But still they don't like it. And still they don't bother to tell us if things are difficult.


  • Hectare
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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2011, 07:42:23 »
Very difficult.  I do not envy committee members having to keep things up to scratch.  The plot next to me has been covered with fat hen and milk thistles.  They have now strimmed it but the milk thistle seeds have blowed all over my plot. 

So from me to all you committee types I say keep up the good work.

Perhaps you could invest in some black plastic sheeting that people could borrow or hire when needed.


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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2011, 07:48:44 »
Milk thistles! so that's what they are called :-[
been battling with them on my plot this year :(


  • Hectare
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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2011, 08:21:13 »
I don't usually get a reply from letters sent; possibly because the tenant accepts their plot is overgrown.  We do have some persistant offenders who get 3 letters or so per year for the same offence of constantly being overgrown.  They strim it down then the 28 period expires, they let the plot go again and the 28 days start again.

I have asked persistant offenders if they wish to either give up their plot or downsize to a half plot if a full one is too much, though nobody ever takes this option.  At last weeks council meeting, it was agreed that from October when the rents are next due it will be a 3 strikes and out rule.  The third letter for will be serving notice to terminate the tenancy. 
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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2011, 19:39:56 »
I have asked persistant offenders if they wish to either give up their plot or downsize to a half plot if a full one is too much, though nobody ever takes this option.  At last weeks council meeting, it was agreed that from October when the rents are next due it will be a 3 strikes and out rule.  The third letter for will be serving notice to terminate the tenancy. 
I can appreciate the frustration of warning recidivists time and again, but if you need to enforce a forfiture for poor cultivation you'll need to have given the tenant reasonable time to put the matter right even if it's the umpteenth time they've had to be warned as the law doesn't allow summary forfeiture - see S. 146 Law of Property 1925.  You also need to have a clause in the tenancy agreement allowing you to serve a Notice of Forfeiture for poor cultivation, and poor cultivation needs to be defined reasonably and objectively in the agreement so that a tenant can't be evicted for just the odd weed or at the whim of the landlord.

However, there's no reason why you shouldn't give a persistent poor cultivator a Notice to Quit, particularly if you offer them half their plot back.
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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2011, 07:37:12 »

your inbox is full.


  • Hectare
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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2011, 08:15:27 »

your inbox is full.

Ooops, I've done a bit of tidying up.
Thanks, :)
Walsall Road Allotments

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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2011, 15:58:02 »
Squash - could you copy and paste the contents of your letter of conern here, I'd be interested to see it, i.e. nick it for our site  :)

right post this time  ::)


  • Hectare
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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2011, 16:04:45 »
Squash - could you copy and paste the contents of your letter of conern here, I'd be interested to see it, i.e. nick it for our site  :)

right post this time  ::)

Here you are Ten, hope my copying and pasting works.  ;)

(note that the address for the reply is the Allotments dept., not our allotment)

Walsall Road Allotments

Allotments Team
Rangers Lodge
115 Reservoir Road
B16 9EE


   Plot Number: 
We are writing to express concern about the condition of your plot and the lack of cultivation.

There may, of course, be genuine reasons of which the Association is not aware (illness, family or work commitments). Nevertheless, it would be helpful to know whether you expect to start cultivation, if you need help temporarily or if, in fact, you no longer wish to rent the plot. Please note that we now have a long waiting list for plots.

Please return the slip to the address above within 28 days to clarify the situation. If you need help, please contact a committee member as well.

We are obliged to point out that in the absence of any communication, or of an adequate improvement in your plot within this period, the Association will have to ask the City Council to initiate the termination of your tenancy via a Notice of Re-entry.

We do hope that we can solve the situation without the need of involving formal procedures. Thank you for your cooperation.

The Committee

To Adrian Stagg, Allotments Team         Plot Number: 

Tick box as appropriate

 I will begin cultivation within 28 days

 I am unable to improve my plot because ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and I would like some help if possible.

 I wish to surrender my tenancy.

Signed ____________________________ Name _______________________________

Date ___________________
Walsall Road Allotments

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  • Hectare
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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2011, 19:03:22 »
For me your letter is not quite as you describle. 

The letter is friendly in tone, not threatening.

Maybe is comes over a little stronger to some people than you have in mind.


  • Hectare
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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2011, 19:20:32 »
For me your letter is not quite as you describle. 

The letter is friendly in tone, not threatening.

Maybe is comes over a little stronger to some people than you have in mind.

Oh.  I've always thought it was ok, does it seem threatening to you?
Walsall Road Allotments

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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2011, 19:55:44 »
Hi Squash

Sorry, but Digeroo's right.  It's this bit particularly:

We are obliged to point out that in the absence of any communication, or of an adequate improvement in your plot within this period, the Association will have to ask the City Council to initiate the termination of your tenancy via a Notice of Re-entry.

This is a formal 28-day Notice of Forfeiture.  Re-entry terminates the tenancy and isn't effected by notice.  If the intention was to give the tenant a heads-up that the condition of the plot needed to improve then it needs to be way more gentle than this without any threats or deadlines.

"Dear Lottie

I hope all is well with you.  I'm sorry to have to mention this but your allotment plot is starting to get a tad too weedy/untidy and it would be good if you could get it up to standard before our next inspection.  Do let me know if your personal circumstances are making it difficult to maintain the plot as I'm sure we can work something out.

Many thanks and happy gardening."

That kind of thing.
An Agreement of the People for a firm and present peace upon grounds of common right


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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2011, 20:06:23 »
This time I have sent a notice to plot holders letting them know there is going to be a "site meeting" and inviting them to come and talk to us if they have any problems or issues of any type.

I hope that by doing this people will not see them as a threat, and hopefully I will not have to send any letters to anyone.  

Betty if that is the first letter I have to agree it is a bit  more formal than I would send out.


  • Hectare
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Re: Letters of Concern
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2011, 20:14:18 »
Thanks Digeroo, Unwashed and Pumpkinlover for your comments.

I have to confess that I 'inherited' this letter from the previous secretary when I took over from her three years ago.  I was under the impression that it had been originally written by the council's allotment dept. but I could be wrong (probably am!)

I agree that Unwashed's letter is much better but I'd better check with our former secretary that the letter I've been using isn't an 'official' allotments dept. one.

Walsall Road Allotments

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