Author Topic: Committee Meeting  (Read 4150 times)


  • Acre
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Committee Meeting
« on: March 30, 2012, 09:39:07 »
I run the lottie shop and my husbands the Secretary.  We have an AGM pencilled in for late April - soonest all the committee could make it.  We were thinking of arranging a committee meeting prior to this - which we had early this week.  i was accosted by a plotholder a day before our meeting telling me that we shouldn't be having a "secret meeting" and everything should be out in the open.  this same plotholder is someone who has our whole site existence in his hands. I'll explain, he and his co plot holder continually keep having large fires burning plastic, rubber and something I'm told is roofing lathes with felt on them still.  he is a builder and constantly dumps his remnants on his plot and then says he is using them for building stuff on his plot.  He does have a lovely tended plot but..... we have had a verbal warning from the council and a written warning regarding the fires next time it will be a 5k fine which the site does not have - we only have £400 approx in the kitty.  our site is situated within a residential area - the whole perimeter of the site is surrounded by people back gardens.  we said at our last AGM that fires were to be kept to incinerators and at dusk and we have also put up notices bearing the time that you can have a fire after and changing the time each week to keep in line with daylight hours. 
back to the meeting though, he said he has never heard of anyone having a committee meeting and therefore we shouldn't be having one.  when i asked if he had spoken to any of the other committee members he said no.  i found him to be rather intimidating. 
can anyone offer advice on this?


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Re: Committee Meeting
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2012, 10:01:09 »
We had our AGM last night (that's a whole other rant!!!) and we always have a committee meeting before the AGM.  Always!
If you are going to stand up in front of all the members it does help if you know what your agenda is and what the committee members views are on matters pertaining to the agenda.  The committee is there to represent the members and meeting is exactly what they are supposed to do - it's the whole point of having a committee.  We meet about 5-6 times a year (usually in the pub!) mainly to sort issues of lettings, security, complaints, rules etc.

The fire issue is another matter and should be dealt with under the existing rules - it either is, or is not, within the rules.  If it isn't then he should be dealt with accordingly.  On our site burning of plastic or any non organic material is not allowed and fires in general, although allowed, are subject to prevailing winds and times...
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


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Re: Committee Meeting
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2012, 10:21:40 »
I thought that the purpose of having a A.G.M. was to vote `in` the new committee for the coming year.


  • Acre
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Re: Committee Meeting
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2012, 10:23:17 »
Thanks for confirmation of what I thought anyway BM.  in our site rules it does state that fires are allowed but contained and at neighbour friendly times set out by the committee - which we do.  the plotholder is really crafty, he goes when no other is there and burns then. our chairman seems to be non confrontational as he lives across the road to the site and often complains to myself and husband about the fact that the plotholder is "having another fire in the daytime" but neglets to do anything about it.  my husband and i are toying with the idea of a written warning next time it happens and thereafter eviction.  this rule will go for all plotholders not just the the aforementioned.


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Re: Committee Meeting
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2012, 10:29:44 »
Well it is one of the purposes but not the only one. IMHO that is reason enough to meet up before hand.  For example last night three committee members and the treasurer stood down.  This was a bit of a shock to the remainder but as we were primed before the meeting we had time to speak to members to ask them if they would accept nominations.
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


  • Acre
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Re: Committee Meeting
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2012, 10:36:21 »
I thought that the purpose of having a A.G.M. was to vote `in` the new committee for the coming year.
my husband and i were voted in last AGM as well as a new site warden. previously there was only one person doing all jobs for 10+ yrs and he wanted help.  no other plotholder wanted to take up these responsibilities and they still don't. they all want running water, - way too expensive for our site to maintain - new fencing, clearer footpaths, car park laid etc.... but no one ever turns up to the working parties leaving my husband to try and struggle himself and sometimes not be able to do the job at all because more then two people are needed.


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Re: Committee Meeting
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2012, 11:17:10 »
It's always the case it seems - the same people turn up every site day and work all day.  The rest do as little as possible and expect the committee to do everything for them. 
We had someone last night say that on Site Day I should have a blackboard with jobs and people, organised into groups with group leaders who would be given all the materials and time slots to do the jobs.  I thanked her for volunteering to do it and she looked at me as if I had suggested she slaughter her first born.
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


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Re: Committee Meeting
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2012, 13:29:34 »
It's always the case it seems - the same people turn up every site day and work all day.  The rest do as little as possible and expect the committee to do everything for them. 
We had someone last night say that on Site Day I should have a blackboard with jobs and people, organised into groups with group leaders who would be given all the materials and time slots to do the jobs.  I thanked her for volunteering to do it and she looked at me as if I had suggested she slaughter her first born.
She's got to be an NHS manager!

I thought that the purpose of having a A.G.M. was to vote `in` the new committee for the coming year.

Yes it is but also the present committee needs to  be effective and in order to do this committee meetings are held.
As long as all members have the opportunity to put forward points of view, and stand on the committee then this is usual practise. I ask for all nominations and items to be discussed 2 weeks before the AGM and hold a committee meeting the week before.  this helps AGM run smoothly but still lets members have a say.

mpdjulie- why do you not speak to the council, ask environmental health for their opinion on someone burning plastic, they will  not like it one bit. Make this known and that he is using the allotment for disposing of his business rubbish. They should back you in any efforts you make to stop this happening, and should write to him themselves.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 08:40:14 by pumpkinlover »

Tee Gee

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Re: Committee Meeting
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2012, 17:29:15 »
we have had a verbal warning from the council

my husband and i are toying with the idea of a written warning next time it happens

Send him a written warning and send a copy of the 'councils' written warning to the site with it.

At the same time send a copy of the 'written warning' you send to the offender' to the council.

Make sure both parties ( the offender & the council)see what you have done.

This means you have done all you can do and everyone is in the picture, meaning if it happens again you can contact the council to do something about it, as it is quite obvious he is ignoring all that you are empowered to do!

In other words ..................pass the buck........because as I see it .............the council have!


  • Acre
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Re: Committee Meeting
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2012, 21:15:06 »
Obviously the plotholder from hell.... follow up a verbal warning with a written one, copy the local enviomental council department, fires that cause a nuisance will not be allowed, take pictures for evidence ,if it happens again serve notice to quit...

Our site do not allow any fires on plots,  strict rules govern the associations fires. The policy works well


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: Committee Meeting
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2012, 17:13:01 »
Please be careful about fires on allotments. We had an incident at our site where a large bonfire of builders waste contained a quantity of asbestos.

No fires at all is the best policy as plot holders can compost vegetation waste or take big stuff home.


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Re: Committee Meeting
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2012, 10:52:23 »
The only things we are allowed to burn are pernicious weeds & diseased plants.
I would definitely pass the buck back to the council.


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