Produce > Under Glass

Turn milk cartons into plant pots and cloches

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Hi Brian

WE live between two rivers and last year, we used to walk along the banks and pick so many blackberries and raspberries, we did not know what to do with them.

We used to fill ten 1kilo margarine tubs, bring them home, wash them and them freeze them !  We still have some in the freezer from last summer !


The proof of the pudding .....   this is the Bisto Yorkshire pud container I used as a propagator.  It's great, plus I had to eat all of the Yorkshires first  ;D

The seedlings are French Marigolds for my companion plantings.  It just shows how easy it is to make something from stuff that would otherwise end up in a landfill

My wash house is piling up with plastics at the mo just in case they might come in handy

Apple Dumpling:
I use the margarine tubs for freezing individual portions of soup, or whatever else I have cooked in bulk. They stack nicely in my freezer and are just the right size.

Oh Wardy ! How cool is that !   8)  It looks so very nice and professional !  And when you think some people go out to "BUY" these things when you can get them for free !

And the seeds were only 27 p from Lidl  ;D


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