Produce > Under Glass

Potting tomatoes on

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If you can keep the night time temp above 10C then they should be okay. However, in my first year of growing toms I was very enthusiastic and had my tomatoes in the greenhouse (unheated) by mid March. They didn't die but grew very slowly, had a fantastic crop but no sooner than if I had delayed planting a little longer.

We've had many cut down by frost in late MAY,

The cost of even modest heat in a 30x12 g'house would be huge - let alone the cost of the heaters - & defeat part of the object of growing your own.

And, ideally, as said above, toms etc like a min of 50F. I'm in no hurry - don't want to waste all my early efforts!

No I'm not either Tim.  I have nowhere warm to keep the seedlings except the windowsill which is a bit gloomy and makes em go leggy.  I understand toms like to be a bit warm for quite a bit after germination so I'll have to delay sowing or they'll probably perish.  I now have my little growhouse but that would be far too cold.  Their final growing position will be outdoors so am holding off sowing and following instructions on the packet. 

I would like a warm greenhouse too because it lets you steal a march on nature to some extent and get stuff growing much earlier.  I've been dropping broad hints to my OH to get us one for our 25th anniversary.  I'll be lucky  :)

I'm afraid my gardners delight seedlings are in a cold greenhouse, no bubblewrap no nuffink! Seedlings today -they don't know they're born in my day ..........


I do accept that plants can survive, despite efforts to kill them.
So please don't anyone be put off because of what I say!


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