Produce > Under Glass

Potting tomatoes on

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I have a lean to at the back of the house .I have had heat on for my onion and  leek seedlings.
So in Feb sometime I set a couple of trays of tomatoes Money maker and
Gardeners delight  thinking I will have a risk and put these in one of the cold houses in April.I pricked them out in early march thinking they will stand a month or so  Anyway they have gone in a cold green house today as they were about 9 inches High and were outgrowing the pots and the  shelf in the lean to.
So I have set a dozen of them out in bottomless buckets  in one of the cold greenhouses..Plenty of horse muck in bottom of buckets
I too am in South Yorks I have just sown  my Shirley's and my Alicantes  for going in cold houses about late April or even middle of May..
So whats the odds of the MM's and The GD's maturing and giving me some early toms ..... I live in hopes ... ;) cheers Jim...

Let me know if they keel over Growmore.  I've not sown mine yet but if yours are ok where you are then I should be safe to go ahead.  What happens though if we get some snow and icy weather?  I've got no greenhouse so I'd have to bring them all back in the house.

Second thoughts.  Manyana (or however you spell it)  ;D

in my wellies:
I pot mine on when they look nice and strong and they're always OK but the very best tomatoes I ever grew happened last year.
My father died and a could do nothing in the garden for about 3 weeks. I had sown 3 packets and had just transplanted them into 3" pots. When i got back they had not been watered, were about 15" tall and very woody. They had all started to flower and the leaves were going red/ brown. Very pot bound and stressed.
I planted them into growbags, fed and wartered them well and they took off! I had the most fantastic crop.
I don't know if I will be brave enough to do this again this year?

That often happens doesn't it.  We can pamper and preen our little charges and they promptly keel over and die!  Or we totally neglect or forget about them and hey presto they're the most fantastic specimens we've ever grown  ;D    Best parsnips I ever grew were onces I totally forgot about and only rembered about them when my dog brought one into the kitchen.  Buried treasure hey  ;D

Garden Manager:
Sowed my tomatoes in a heated propagator on the conservatory in early march. I have only just potted them up (some having grown a bit leggy  - too much heat prhaps).

They now reside out in the greenhouse which is currently unheated. I am hoping they will be OK without heat as the nights have been quite mild here recently. If it looks like getting cold at night again i shall stick the heater on out there.


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