Allotment Stuff > Locations and Sites

Amount of council involvement

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Just wondered how much your council (assuming your allotment is owned/run by them) are involved in your allotment? For me, it just seems to be paying the rent once a year and they leave you to it. They do empty the communal skip when they remember and sent a form asking for feedback with the last payment demand.
Do other councils get more involved than this?

Rdak, ours does pretty much the same as yours! Lets us get on with it, which I think I rather like!! We don't have anything that needs emptying, so they actually do even less than yours! DP

Hi All, In Halton Cheshire we have a designated allotment officer who visits the sites on a regular basis. He also has a 3.5 ton tipper wagon which he assists anyone to bring sheds,greenhouses, wood , flags ets to the site. He also in partner ship with Mersy waste and Halton's Healthy Living Project is able to get and deliver to sites a soil conditioner, aprox 100 to 500 ton  on request only basis. (Mersy Waste collect all the green compostable waste from local council waste sites compost it down and shread it to make a bulky fiberous organic growing medium.)
He also sprays vacant plots pathways  etc , organises the allotment compertition and presentation evening along with workshops and lots more besides . All free of charge.

Halton allotment tenants pay just £24 per year this includes freeskips on request and water charges plus the services as above . Value for money I think unless you know different.



Mrs Ava:
Wow Alan!  Great service  :o  Certainly great value for money.

Emma, Forgot to mention that I'm the allotment officer :). If you can't blow your own trumpet once in a while. No one else will. ;D


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