Allotment Stuff > Allotment Movement

Weed killers containing Glyphosate

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ed dibbles:
One of the commenters asked the same question as you, Digeroo. Who paid for the study. Another poster replied:

" The study is a collaborative effort involving investigators from National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health."

Of course the same question applies to the "glyphosate causes cancer" report. Who paid for it?

I agree with you entirely you cannot trust one report and while it is human nature to want to believe things that fit ones own prejudices it pays to be sceptical of all claims, studies and reports at least until further evidence becomes available. Truly independent if possible.

Your own very interesting and educational experience bears this out surely. :happy7:

With all the current coverage of glyphosate health issues i am surprised A4A members are not concerned , no posts recently . Perhaps every plot shed in the country has some  .. I hope again to propose a ban at our AGM , perhaps a list of banned / permitted chemicals on site would be a way to go . Given that some UK councils , and some countries , have banned it already and the WHO says "It possibly carcinogenic " is it worth the risk.

Hi Ya, I think everyone is watching the results as it could be some over zealous person causing all the fuss. Some times weedkiller is the only way to go in certain circumstances and I will admit to using it on the odd occasion. As for getting it banned on the site I would strongly oppose that. In fact I would ignore the ban. It is up to the individuals wether they use it or not and for them to take care as per instructions. There are worse things being used by farmers as the honey bee population will testify like nicotinoids. That is a cause worth fighting. As for glysophate what you buy in the shop is so diluted compared to what professionals use it only does so much. I will continue to monitor but certain parties tend to over exaggerate some stages and should stick to their own. We could always go back to older remedies like ammonium sulphamate.

Plot 18:
There are no more comments because people have already stated their own point of view, so nothing else to discuss.
Mine is still the same..
"Is it worth the risk" is for individuals to decide as long as the product remains legal. To have it banned would need most members to agree.
I've not actually seen any reports of allotments banning it unless they are the ones that voted to go totally organic.
Voting for going organic is a different point to banning Glyphosate - not many people want their site to be totally organic, but the people who do often shout the loudest on allotment forums. No offence intended just stating the obvious....

Hi plot 18, you make your point , however " individuals to decide " would mean my plot neighbour , can spray with any dilution of glyphosate he fancies, it carries on to my strawberries bed , and so when my granddaughter eats them straight off the plant.. she is eating poison...   perhaps best to close the stable door before the horse has bolted..


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