Lockdown Photo Competition

Started by daveyboi, March 24, 2020, 17:19:26

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Because of the restricted situation I thought it is a good opportunity to hold a photo competition

As to subject perhaps BarriedaleNick  who won the Christmas Competition would like to suggest one
bearing in mind the current restrictions on movement
Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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Obxx - Vendée France


Good, I missed the deadline on the Christmas one..


Would the subject "SPRING" be suitable as it is quite wide ranging ?
Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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Yes it sounds good to me, Thanks for organising.


Sorry everyone - I meant to get back to you all with a theme but I have been in meltdown trying to keep all our IT services up and running in very difficult times.
Spring is fine for me.
I was going to suggest something along the lines of shots from your home or shots from the front\back door but happy to go with Spring.
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


Excellent, and thank you to Daveyboi and BarriedaleN.  Spring it is then - but what sort of spring, I wonder?! . . . . . . .  a challenge for some originality here, with lots of spare time for some of us, but certainly not others. 
One entry each, or two?
Try hard to keep well, and distanced, everyone.

Tee Gee

My vote is for Two which based on previous comps we might to get around a dozen pics to view and vote on!


Quote from: Tee Gee on March 28, 2020, 12:41:13
My vote is for Two which based on previous comps we might to get around a dozen pics to view and vote on!

Which Two are you referring to the subject or the number of entries?
Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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I think TeeGee is referring to my question, can we have two entries?!

Tee Gee

Sorry about the confusion. I have created!

Yes I meant 2 entries per person!


Just to encourage everyone, I've been playing around this morning, with all the unwelcome free time, and diverting myself from worrying about offspring working in the NHS.  So these are photos I"m not entering for the comp! meant to be photo here:
Don't know what is happening, as can't get the attachments bit to come up with photos, nor can I delete this reply! Sorry!

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