Produce > Under Glass

Full greenhouse

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What can I leave outside now, 'cos it's getting so I can't work any more!
Onion sets
sweet peas
brocolli seedlings
cabbage seedlings

You don't say where you are? But what are onion sets doing out of the ground??

Don't know about flowers, but the rest - yes. Give them a bit of protection for a day or 2 if they've been raised in heat.


--- Quote from: Bun on April 20, 2005, 16:25:05 ---What can I leave outside now, 'cos it's getting so I can't work any more!
Onion sets
sweet peas
brocolli seedlings
cabbage seedlings

--- End quote ---

Onion sets need to be in the ground ASAP, they will also be fine as they are tough as old boots.

Harden off anything started in warmth by putting out during the day ins a sheltered and not too sunny spot. Onions and Leeks should be fine.

I would not plant sun flowers out to final spot yet but they can go out in the day. Give it another 2 or 3 weeks to be safe.

I have had my autumn sown sweet peas outside for a few weeks now but fleece if a frost or near frost is forecast.

Broccolli and cabbage should be OK once hardened off over a week or so. Mine are in a cold frame at night and will be planted out in 2 weeks time as an estimate.

And that is all based on me being in Sussex and in a bit of a frost pocket.



Charlotte Sometimes:
I wouldn't be so concerned about your sunflowers in terms of hardiness.  More like are they big enough yet to put up a fight against the slugs?

I always do my sunflowers in rather large pots and leave them until the stems are "hairy" and therefore not nice for the slugs to chomp on. That's my yardstick for whether they go out or not.


--- Quote --- You don't say where you are? But what are onion sets doing out of the ground??
--- End quote ---

I'm in Essex. I thought I'd try getting a head start on them in modules 'cos our lottie isn't ready for them to go in yet. :)

Thanks for all the advice.  ;D


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