Produce > Edible Plants

Seeds - seduced by a name...

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Oh yes, mooli. Good stuff. Mine pushed themselves way out above the ground and I thought it was because I had not loosened the soil deep enough. As they came higher and higher I just earthed them up, I don't know why but it seemed like the right thing to do.

Brown bread with a slice of old cheese and lots of slices of mooli, yummeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Took it to work almost every day. Just love the crunch crunch crunching sounds.

Brown bread - yes; mooli - yes; old cheese ------ ???  Not Limburger (spelling?), please?

All best - Gavin

Not stinky cheese, just regular aged cheese, doesn't even have to be old, I just love the combination of mooli and cheese.

Since this thread is veggie soup anyway, I may as well use it to tell the world we ate the first salad made of homegrown, bathroom forced, witloof this year! Wonderful and not very bitter either. I also love boiled witloof but it takes so many chicons and I want to savor what I have growing in containers in the bathroom. Seems like using it for salads will stretch it more.

Must rush up me lottie and check my mooli, had forgotten about it!! Love it fresh, also Tim, good in a stir fry ;D

ina, what on  earth is witloof? chicons? duh ???


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