Produce > Edible Plants

Seeds - seduced by a name...

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Mrs Ava:
Thank goodness Campanula!  I have been wondering what Witloof is for ages, but was too afraid to ask!  Began to think it must be like our chicory, forced roots producing that tight bullet of 'hot' leaves used in salad.  Is it???

Emma Jane, that is the perfect description, except for the hot part. "Forced roots that produce a tight bullet of leaves".

A mahvelous veggie dahlin but so expensive in the shops. I am taking pictures of the process but I'm afraid if I post them on the gallery, it will be wasted on you hahaha.

Awww. go on, Ien...I need a good laugh..and then I can tell peeps exactly how mine differed from yours  ;D ;D ;D - Lish

And the laughing won't stop for a long time! Hahaha.

OK - so you have a new camera?? = Tim


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