General > The Shed

Re: e-mail about moving the board

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Hi Dan.
You asked for feedback about moving the board. I have not had any problems at all but if it will make it better for others, I think you should do whatever you think is best.

No,me neither Ina.I think things are great just as they are.If people have a problem with certain posts, people or the things they say,then just go to the fruit,veg and plants section if that is what suits them.Personally i think it is a bit silly needing a board where you can be a bit naughty,and one where you are not allowed to be.Whatever happened to free speech?

Margaret, I think Dan wants to move the board completely onto another host to improve everyone's access to it. Some people have not had problems with access but others have (I for one lost 'contact' for 4 days last week). I don't think it has anything to do with what people are talking about on the board. Dan just wants everyone to be able to get on-line easily and continue to enjoy the freedom.

Dan - do what's best for us !!

I am one of the poor sufferers of the outages and believe me it is tres infuriating.  I seem to be able to access the site at times during the day and then.....nada! >:( >:(It is extremely frustrating. So even if it means we are all off for a bit PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Dan can you get it sorted, before I go bonkers :-*

Join the club, mimi.  Three times over the weekend I typed out postings, but when I tried to post them the screen went blank and then that infuriating "Can`t find URL on this Server" appeared.  It`s also started happening when I try to swith from one board to another.  The sooner Dan can fix up with a decent server, the better.


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