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debris netting cage..

Started by growmore, June 23, 2008, 21:30:00

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We made a debris netting tunnel/cage for the brassicas earlier this year .

Weed supressent put on floor crosses were cut into it and brassica plants set out..
Here is the result as of today .I know we got a bit carried away with the number of plants .This was made from 1 roll of netting and some was left. The plants have kept very clean with no damage at all from slugs etc..Size is roughly 10mtrs x 4mtrs.
Cheers .. Jim


Cheers .. Jim


I'm new to this growing your own, but that looks amazing  :o :o  i hope that someday i can boast the same.  It's brilliant and giving me ideas.....better not tell the wife  ;D


Growmore - that looks fabby.  I was wondering how that type of structure fits in with crop rotation?


I collected some debris netting from our local scaffolding comp. and I plan to make a fruit cage with it. But i made a chicken run from it. Only mine is 'bright yellow' and the chickens come out in sun glasses. Thankfully they are 12' below my neighbours, and they can't see them over the hedge. But then when they get their hedge trimmed, they'll be in for a shock, But don't like them anyway. Lucky u getting 'green'. I also collected sone orange................ Multi coloured allotment area on the old plot. I like your brassica cage and plan to do a similar structure for my fruit cage.


            Next year it will hold peas,self polinating beans, carrots.swedes.Most of the stuff the birds  and bugs  bother.We are building another one at the side of it for brassicas ..So it looks like being a 2 year rotation. We do add lots of manure so it shouldn't prove a problem..(Famous last words  :) )

Cheers .. Jim


My only concern is that the attachment slots will give access to the dreaded Whites??

Duke Ellington

I have used debris netting on my allotment and using a sewing machine i seam stitched the attachment holes away :)

dont be fooled by the name I am a Lady!! :-*


I have just acquired some debris netting for my allotment, to put over raised beds when built, I like your idea. the only trouble is my netting is bright orange so I think I will keep it a bit lower .
    Lol Bridgehouse

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