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One For FB and Carol

Started by Mimi, January 22, 2004, 00:38:22

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Oky Dokey  well we have had the happiness thread, anyone got any pet hates.  Me Ive got loads
Anyone who doesnt stand for elderly,disabled,pregnant ladies on busses.
Tacky over lit houses at Christmas.
workmen/deliveries who say /will be there Tuesday and arn't.
that is just the begining could go on and on and on.
Take time to stop and smell the flowers.


Take time to stop and smell the flowers.


vandals top of list smelly peeps on buses rude peeps in shop who hit your ankles with trolleys  ironing housework gonna babble in a minute calming myself :)

Mrs Ava

Pet hates huh.  Okay......

I hate to see people spitting in the street, filthy!  I detest litter and the people that dump the litter!  I loath vandals and the total lack of respect they have for this green and pleasant land!  Rude peeps, can be rude in many ways, queue jumping, barging around, arrogance and so on.  I am sure there are more which I will think of, and I know there are some that I am tooo lady like and polite to mention in friendly company  :-/


Arrogance and cliqueiness!

Muddy Boots


Sorry, forgot to mention discourtesy for everyone, doesn't matter their station in life, down and out or king, everyone deserves that!

Muddy Boots


Whoops meant that I hate discourtesy, everyone deserves courtesy!  Must be oz typo influence!

Muddy Boots


Hi Mimi
You know I can't think of many pet hates tonight, my mind is blank as usual.  I know of only one and that is someone pointing their finger at me or poking me in the arm.  I could fell them one with one swoop.  I hate seeing unrully children, running wild and mothers not bothering.  It really gets my back up.  I hate violence of any kind and any unkindness to humans but even worse cruelty to any animal.  I cana't watch.  
I don't like being overtaken just because I am a woman by one of these young drivers with their stupid hats back to front.  Gosh You have me started.  There I have anmed some, will think of more if I can't sleep tonight.  I hate not sleeping either.  


Carol I understand what you mean about unruly children.  I work in an RSPCA charity shop and it`s surprising the amount of mums that come in with their obnoxious offspring, they completely ignore them while they`re looking around and the wretched children seem to do as they like.  One woman left her screaming monster in the shop and walked out, pretty soon disappearing from view.  I yanked him out of the shop, none too gently by the arm, and delivered him back to his mother without a word.  I think the glare I gave her was enough.  That must have been about a year ago, she came into the shop today minus the horror that is her son.  Don`t misunderstand me, I love most children and I`ve had five myself, but I like to think I`ve brought mine up to have some manners and social skills.


Was totally phased when lady I knewwas talking to me and, at same time, telling her son to keep quiet cos she was talking, son carried on.  We had very disjointed conversation, with her still telling him to wait whilst she was talking!  I am a bad person, think children sould br brought up like dogs, good discipline and love!

Whoops, think I will get loads of flack!

Muddy Boots


You`re right MB, children need the security of boundaries, they must be taught what is acceptable.  I have five, my eldest (now married) is  nearly 33, my youngest (twins) will be 21 next month


pet hates
- the engaged tone on a phone
- drivers not acknowledging me when I let them through (one day I'll be out with an armed tank for this one)
whoever hit my 6 hours old car in Asda carpark and drove away
- the phrase "I'll just have a cup of tea/finish this page/put this away first" which is my husband's way of saying he doesn't want to do what he has said he is going to do!
rumour tumours (malicious gossips)
viagra selling spam
the leaflets that fall out from magazines
Oh dear, what a bitter old bat I'm becoming - grumpy old womanhood here we come!

Ragged Robin

What a good excuse for a rant......
I hate
              Uncontrolled children, woe betide my 7yr old if she tries brattish behaviour!
              kids staying up too late
             men who talk down to you just 'cos youre a housewifey
               changing the beds
              dog poo on pavements
....ooh could go on and on and on and on....... but I think thats enough for now.  
Happy gardening, Robin x


Most of my pet hates have been covered by you all -

Unruly kids
Litter louts (especially discarded fish & chip cartons)
People who leave their dog poo on pavements (giving us responsible dogs owners a bad name >:()
Oncoming drivers who put their main beam on right in your face before they have passed.
Loud mouthed women f'ing & blinding in the street (we have a few of them in our village :-X)

I'm sure I could go on.
Happy gardening all...........Pat


I think most of my pet hates boil down to selfish and thoughtless acts. I detest litter, or more accurately, those who drop it. You so often see people just throw something on the street without a care in the world. The second it leaves the person's hand it seems like they think they no longer own the item and therefore have no responsibility for what happens to it. And they also seem to feel like they have no responsibility for the beautiful planet we inhabit. What do they think will happen to their rubbish? That it'll just magically disappear..? sorry - I'm ranting.

And I also hate waste, partly because it fuels capitalism and just makes the rich richer but mostly because we are using up the planet's precious resources and replacing them with mountains of rotting plastic. After the bomb drops, it won't be cockroaches that take over the world, but plastic bags.

And people who don't not understand that other people have different opinions to them for perfectly valid reasons and that it doesn't make them any less important just because they are different.
gone to pot :D


Oh dear, the board's magic censorship has struck my post rather ridiculously. there's nothing wrong with c*ckroach (that's my editing there!)

And I wonder what will happen when I type Scunthorpe...

Edit to say - I type sc*nthorpe (with the *) and look what it did to it. laughable!
gone to pot :D


no-one has mentioned telephone call centres  >:(

Press 1 to be connected to the wrong department
Press 2 to wait in an endless queue
Press 3  if you need an unintelligible accent
Press 4 to be disconnected

and when you finally navigate through the maze of options.....I'm sorry, our office is now closed.



Cruelty/neglect to all defenceless creatures by sadistic,greedy and ignorant people. :'( :'( >:( >:(

People who drop glass to deliberately break it.I spend half of every dog walk picking it up to try and save animals being hurt.Oh and those dreadful plastic can 4 pack holders. :o :o

Kids who shriek for attention.I have to really resist going up to them and shrieking back even louder into their horrible little faces.Are their parents deaf I wonder? ??? ???

Being kept hanging on  on the telephone.What was wrong with the good old days of just ringing and noone answering,or the engaged tone? At least it didn't cost ;you could then try again later. :-/ :-/

The words "basically" and "you know" AAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:(

Garden Manager

Reading all your pet hates had really got me thinking. I think I agre with most of what you lot have all said but here is a few more of my own.

Bureaucracy and bureaucrats. Red Tape, official form filling in etc.

Assylum seekers who are realy economic migrants.

The latest Government scheme/ gimmick/ quick fix for (pick one) Education, transport, health service etc

Bad loosers/ people who think it is their g*d given right to be top in what they d o and to h*ll with everyone else.

TAXES. All of them >:( . Too many and too high.

Thats it for now. If i think of any more i'll get back to you.


Thinking my relationships are going to turn out really good, then they don't.

That 1 pistachio nut that is mouldy...
Peas xx


I agree about the unruly childred but also remember nephew.  While travelling from Dubai to U.K with her two sons, the eldest of the two had a 'brat attack'.  While she was trying to calm him and hang  to youngest, he started shouting "HELP ME HELP ME " at the top of his voice, and trying to hold on to passer bys.  People thought that he was being kidnapped.  Very embarassing.
Take time to stop and smell the flowers.

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