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Rose of Jericho.

Started by Emm P, June 22, 2005, 13:48:17

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Emm P

Has anyone come across these?

This plant arrived yesterday. It was rolled up in a tight ball - a bit bigger than a tennis ball.
I put it in a bowl of warm water, and it started to open up.

The Rose of Jericho comes from areas suffering extremely from a water shortage. When dry, it survives for a very long time - and when moistened, starts to grow again. It also starts to turn green again - purely by being in the water.
It only takes two hours for it to fully open. The first photo was taken when it had been in the water for about ten minutes. The second - 24 hours later.

No outfit is complete - without dog hairs!!!

Emm P

No outfit is complete - without dog hairs!!!

Mrs Ava

My sister and I had those when we were kids. Amazing.

Emm P

They certainly are - I had never heard of them before.
No outfit is complete - without dog hairs!!!

undercarriage plan

Want one!! Where can I get it?? It would fascinate the liitle cherubs in Gardening club!! Might stop them from dead heading the hell out of anything with a flower on it as well?! Lottie  ;D

Emm P

My husband got ours from a catalogue which came with the newspaper - Gardenability.

Crumbs - just looked at that site of yours.
He paid £4.99 for this one!!!!!
(I had better not tell him about that).
No outfit is complete - without dog hairs!!!


tradition has it that keeping one of those in the house, keeps your marriage happy and stuff.
so often they were given as a wedding gift, probably by the mother of the bride.

i used to have one, too. not sure what happened to it, mind. you can pour boiling water over them and they open up much quicker then, emm.

i  have never actually grown one though, and it would be interesting to see what they look like when growing/flowering/whatevering ;)

Gardening in SE17 since 2005 ;)

undercarriage plan

Thanks!! Going off to look now!! Actually, will keep me entertained for ions!! Lottie

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