Filter/pump for holding tank for fry

Started by tricia, June 29, 2005, 11:45:24

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This is for Margaret please.

I've just had a look on eBay and found the following for £12.99:

I haven't a clue as to whether it would be suitable, so I'm picking your brains again ;D

I have a polystyrene box 15 1/2" square x 9 1/2" deep which I have been using as a hospital tank. Would this be large enough, d'you think? The 5 fry seem to have enough space even in my washing up bowl ;D





Hi Tricia.Sorry i have not been able to reply before,i have been at work all day.

That pump is way too powerful.I have,on my computer about 25 different good aquatic suppliers.This following one is good ,reliable and cheap.I have the more powerful version of this filter.Priced at £9.99 it is free p & p and is more suitable for the container you have.

Then go to filters and filter accessories,and the very first one,the aqua flower mini power filter is ideal for what you need.

I would say at present they would be fine in the box.But i would still be on the look out for a tank.Perhaps an early birthday or xmas present? the fry will give you so much pleasure,and of course in a glass tank you will be able to see them so much better.

The only reservation i have about using the box is that the filter comes with plastic suckers but there should be alternative ways of using it.How high is the box,by the way? The filter is 131mm high.So we  may have to think again.


hi Margret and Tricia just thought i would tell you how i raised some fry once, my hubby had been cleaning out blanket weed from pond and i noticed there was some fish eggs in the weed, so i put the blanket weed into a wooden barrel that had a few water plants in , the eggs hatched and they stayed in the barrel till the following summer with no filter or pump, so my fry done ok with out either and not sure if you need filter and pump or perhaps i was just lucky ,


Hi Margaret,
Thanks for your advice. I bought an Interpet Internal PF mini Filter this morning at the local Aquatics centre. They gave me a new polystyrene box (they get tropical fish from Singapore delivered in them so they are certainly robust!) which is a bit bigger than the one I had.  Using pond water I filled it with 7 gallons, acclimatized the fry for the transfer and they are now in their home for, hopefully, the next few months. The filter is hanging in the tank and I fixed it by taping the cable to the outside of the tank with duct tape. Works fine.
I'm keeping the tank in my hall - the only place possible ;D - where there is a pretty stable temperature. Now I just have to hope they will thrive and grow and show some colour. How long will it be before there is a really perceptive change of colour? The largest is only about an inch or so long and I can see spots of orange on it's sides. The others are too small.

btw We did a partial water change in the pond yesterday and now the ammonia level is more or less ok at 0.25mg/l according to the chart. I'll check it again in a week.



Hi Dibber,
A very interesting post, thank you :)

I sometimes wonder if we don't pander a little too much to our beloved fish!
In the last 8 days my poor fish have been subjected to: 'fatal' ammonia levels due to pollution caused by the storm of 23rd, a partial water change on the Friday, On Sunday transfer to a 15 1/2" square box for more than seven hours while the pond was being emptied, cleaned and refilled, then being re-introduced to the pond which had been filled with a mixture of rain and tap water (dechlorinated), once again their home being polluted on Tuesday evening due to torrential rain and blocked gullies on the street (no sewage this time though) and once more to a partial water change on Wednesday. None of this seems to have affected the fish. They are feeding well and still come to the feeder when they hear my footsteps on the patio ;D So they're not blaming me for all the turmoil ;)

Maybe I've been lucky too  ;D


btw did you feed the fry in their barrel?


Hi Tricia.I am so  pleased you have managed to get it all set up now.How kind of the shop to let you have a bigger box.And your pond fish all seem ok as well.

Young fish take diifferent amounts of time to change colour.Some never do,that is the fun of it all though.However, generally it is within the first year of life,and often within 6 months.Feel free to post any time you need any advice,or even pm me,i am always here as you can tell!


Thanks Margaret - will do. :) The weather seems to have settled a bit - some light rain or showers over the next few days. In other words back to a typical British summer!! ::)
Many thanks for all your help.



hi Tricia i am glad all is looking up for u after u terrible ordeal, yes Tricia i did feed the fry i just used to crush up fish flakes so it was very small you wont believe how fast they grow , all the best Tricia and good luck

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