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Delinquent tadpole..?

Started by undercarriage plan, July 14, 2005, 19:09:10

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Well spotted 'our' Bob again yesterday Lottie and he's definately just a taddy - no sign of feathery gills. He doesn't seem to have any legs buds either and still just looks like a giant, black sperm!!!  ;D All my froglets are doing well in their 'hotel' that I built for them at the side of the pond (branches, stones, pine cones and moss heap  :D) so I don't know why he prefers to stay in the water.


Life is like nectar sweet but sometimes sticky.




Life is like nectar sweet but sometimes sticky.

Marley Farley

;) It's all part of what I think they say is " Life's rich tapestry" Lottie, where we learn about the real world & that it isn't all " sugar & spice" all the time, although the memory likes to try & trick us that it is.  ::) Just an idea, but if you have room why not get a couple of the bigest plastic planters you can find  without any holes in, sink them in the ground & the children can build own wildlife ponds ready for next year now. Have done this myself for my grandkids & it is very successful every year.  ??? ;D ;D Might take their minds off cat too.  :)
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself".

undercarriage plan

Thanks for idea, Marley.  However garden tiny, half on if on a 1:1 slope!! Wouldn't be able to keep water in pond, get tired having to keep running up and down slope refilling pool!! They seem OK now, Bob still on missing presumed eaten list.... Lottie   ;D


its obvious BOB is a mans man in the frog world he just wants to stay a boy at heart!!!!
just like the rest of us (according to the wife you understand) like typical man hes just gone to far !

another member of i forgot my password

Marley Farley

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Oh well just a thought Lottie.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself".

undercarriage plan

Bob alive!!! Found him whilst clearing out duckweed.  Just hoping he can get over being caught whilst clearing out dickweed......   Lottie  ;D


   Please tell me I am readin that last type of weed wrong   :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

    omg am almost wettin myself  or heve we found a new spieces
     ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Never heard of dickweed? It is a lottie speciality  :D

Sorry lottie, not picking on you, but that is funny!

undercarriage plan

Oh my God!!  :o  :o  :o I am so sorry!! Liable to get detention now! Blown chances of shiney cup......! I'll go with it.. new species, definitely new species, will be contacting RHS immediately for identification......  Sorry   Lottie  ::)

Marley Farley

;D ;D ;D ;D Oh Lottie, you never cease to amaze & amuse, you must be a very happy person, busy loving life ;D  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D May you never change.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself".

undercarriage plan

Bit pink at min, Marley!! Said to Jaggy, have wicked new insult though!! Can say it with no censorship...! Still waiting for response from RHS  mmmm.......  ???  Lottie  ;D

Marley Farley

;D ;D ;D ;D I'm sure you're colour will soon return to normal ;D ;D ;D ;D I think the RHS might be a while though...  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;)
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself".

undercarriage plan

Colour had returned... then sat reading book (Harry Potter!!) when OH shouted out " For God's sake, will you cover yourself up woman!! I'm sick of seeing that chest!!!" I went beetroot, jumped up and looked down, all as it should be!! Then realized he was talking about the GMTV weather girl.............  :-[  Lottie  ;D  ;D  ;D

Marley Farley

;D It must be chaos in your house at times Lottie, fantastic  ;D ;D I know it would be taking a risk on life & limb  ;D :o  but would be quite interesting being a fly on the wall for a day in your house by the sounds of it, never a dull moment.  ;D ;D second thoughts I'll just let you tell us, much funnier & safer  ;D ;D By the way how are getting on with HP finished it yet??
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself".

undercarriage plan

Now why would you think chaos?? Today, normal day, OH assumed plumbing easy task, removed sink (?), replaced with new sink.  Now have no sink, no hot water,big leak and very cross lottie!! You're more than welcome!!  Lottie  ;D
PS it's the sink's fault  ???

Marley Farley

;) Well of course it's the sinks fault, whose else could it be ;) :)  Maybe I'll give that idea a miss then.  :) We had allot of high drama last year when ripped out old bathroom  >:( :'( :) Of course that is never mentioned now of course. It dragged on for weeks though, so can sympathise with you, hope it's sorted out soon. Just keep smiling through, I'm sure it won't be long before you are plumbed back in again & we can have smiling Lottie again.  ;D
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself".

undercarriage plan

 ;D lots of banging and crashing upstairs!!! Going to work, put on mp3 player and empty brain for while!!!! You didn't mention whether bathroom success.........Bit concerned now!! ;) Lottie

Marley Farley

 ;D Yes thank goodness, bathroom great success in end. Old house means nothing is straight forward. Now only two old codgers so have the dream bathroom always wanted. Did put glow in the dark loo seat on for grand kids, they tell me it's swish now , so hopefully it's cool too, but somehow doubt that.  ;D Hope all banging & crashing worth it & you are plumbed back in now. Brain engaged again??  & normality returning.  ::)
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself".


Don't worry Lottie, did a complete bathroom rip out last year.........and I really, really will finish it soon  ;) ;D ::)

lmao  Iain
Neil (The Young Ones) once said "You plant the seed, the seed grows, you harvest the seed....You plant the seed....."   if only it was that simple!!!

Marley Farley

 ;) Ooooooooooooooooooooh you wouldn't last long here mate,  ;D   it took long enough any way last year,  ::)  but not finished yet  ??? ??? ??? & into next year??????????????????????? Do you not get constant nagging from OH?????????????????????????????  ;D
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself".

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