Allotment Holders Rights!!!!!

Started by onion_grower, August 23, 2005, 20:17:55

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This is my first post so be gentle. My site has had allot of vandalism and theft. I have personally lost alot in money and in resourses. Do I have rights to get compensation from my local council due to lack of security. I am from UK.



 Hi oniongrower welcome to a4a.   I am sorry to hear  about all your problems.  You need to check your tenancy agreement to find out what your rights are but I very much doubt that you would be able to make a claim from the Council, as it is very difficult to secure an allotment site completely.  It is wise for them to have some form of security, but nothing is foolproof with it having to be open to a large extent to members of the public. 

You should always report any vandalism or theft to your council allotment officer  or your allotment committee so they can see whether improvements can be made to the security, and also get in touch with the community police officer to report any incident.  In our area Northumbria Police are very helpful and will make their presence felt on the site on occasion. Is there anything also that you can do yourself?  I know how frustrating and heartbreaking it can be,having gone through it myself a few times, but it is a very common problem unfortunately, and everyone on here will sympathise with you.  busy_lizzie
live your days not count your years


Speaking to a customer of mine on this subject some time ago she referred me to the Law & Disorder Act.

The lady is involved with her local Neighbourhood Watch scheme (She could be considered an activist) and apparently this act enpowers various sections of the community to work together.
e.g. Local Authority, Police and the community (that's us)

This lovely lady certainly gives her local Police Superintendant some grief she makes me laugh at some of her antics BUT she gets results.

She seemed to think that this Act could put some pressure on a local authority to provide a secure site.... maybe worth looking at.

Derek... South Leicestershire

I am in my own little world,'s OK, ...they know me there!


Thank You! Derek

I will certanly look into that!

Thanks to all the posts.


im not sure really, nothing i can think of. i suppose though if you have applyed for grants for security and were turned down its worth giving the council grief,even if you dont get any compensation they may improve the security around your plot/


I suggest you join the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners (£15 p.a.) at O'Dell House,Hunters Road, Corby Northants NN17 5JE (01536 266576) if you Club on the Field is not a member as a group already.  Ask for advice from their Legal Officer, and your NSALG Rep.

For funding improvements and security, look on the ARI website; - fact sheet on Site Security for example

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