what to plant in september?

Started by gayle, July 19, 2005, 15:00:14

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With any luck no make that hard work, my plot may be ready to plant some stuff.
Does anyone know what i can sow or plant in september time thanks. ???



You can plant broad beans, onions (hardy ones), peas, garlic (from November).

Try the organic gardening catalogue they have a good selection. I had some seeds from them this year and will be going back from more!

Dobies are selling mini plants (got them started for you to make it easier) of overwinter Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower.

I think you can grow over winter beetroot as well - but you need to get the seeds in at August time I think.


Happy growing (and eating!)

terrace max

Hmm ...September, not a great sowing month. My own list says:

Chicory   Palla Rossa 'Pagoda'
Endive   Cornet de Bordeaux
Lettuce   Arctic King
Lettuce   Winter Crop
Lettuce   Winter Density
Spring Onion White Lisbon (Winter Hardy)
Turnip   Noir d'Hiver
Carrot   Nantes Frubund
Mustard   Green in snow
Broad Bean Super Aquadulce
Pea   Feltham First

Good luck!
I travelled to a mystical time zone
but I missed my bed
so I soon came home


Winter spinach and winter onions are the only things on my list.



I've sowed some spring cabbages into modules this week, they should be big enough for planting out around September time and ready for picking next spring. Also sowed pak choi and some more spinach and chard, they may need protecting with fleece later on. Don't forget to think about flowers if you want cut flowers, I'll be planting lots of daffodil and tulip bulbs around October time which should give some early flowers for the house. And think about fruit, autumn is a good time to plant strawberries, fruit trees like apples and pears if you plan to have them, and my rhubarb went in around October time, can't remember when the raspberries, blueberries and gooseberries went in, I think that may have been in the early spring. Good luck, sounds like you've been busy  :)
Green fingers are the extension of a verdant heart - Russell Page



Never having grow asparagus, when should they be planted? ???
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. - Mark Twain


I like to plant winter onion sets in september. Also my spring cabages. And then consentrate on improving my soil and increasing my soft fruit plants.
Be kind to slugs and snails!

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