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Started by suzylou, August 08, 2005, 15:07:19

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Hi All,

Sounds like you are having a lot of shed fun !!!

I personally objest to spending money at the allotment.  Don't get me wrong, i have nothing against spending money, and i do love the lottie, but i just think it is wrong somehow to spend hundreds on a shed for my allotment...

Anyway, an alternative is to go to somewhere like, and search for a free/cheep second hand shed in your area.

I got mine last year for free (after a few weeks searching), it came from somoone a couple of miles down the road, he helped me take it down, and even gave me some spare felt that he had got to redo the roof !!!

Worth a thought, don't you think ?


P.S. yes i do also nick old carpet from skips to use for weed suppression !!!!!!  :)


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