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Party n Panto

Started by Doris_Pinks, December 12, 2003, 00:11:34

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They said on the radio today (useless bit of info!) that if you rub your feet with a cut raw onion, you can taste it in your mouth an hour later! :o Garlic too apparently. (methinks, who actually sits and thinks these up, then tries it!) I tried to pin the husband down to experiment, but he wasn't too happy, the kids were not keen either :( Dottie P.
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.


We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.

Ragged Robin

....... well I didn't expect to start 101 uses for spreads not on bread......
 I'm a marmite babe myself,though I've never tried it  on anything non-yeast based!....
Happy gardening, Robin x


Yo Robin

Sum pervo types use "bovril" now thats just sick mahn......

peanut butter....hmmmmmmm crunchy...ooooooer

Ozzy %)

Ragged Robin

......... Oz what are you doing here in daylight hours, or have you just come in from a night on the town?
... Hang on I know, you're a secret "Des'n' Mel" watcher, aren't you !  :o :o :o
Happy gardening, Robin x



ha ha ha... when I iz not working i do enjoy the Trisha show.. that is just so hilarious it beggars belief..:)

my mate marmiteoZzY %)

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