Theres Only One Way To Get Rid Of A Mole ......

Started by Get Off My Land, September 24, 2005, 23:13:40

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Get Off My Land

I have moles in my allotment.
I believe they aerate the subsoil by tunnelling. They also eat worms and grubs. Should I trap the mole, flood the burrow with a hose pipe to drive it away or can they be toleratred in the allotment where i plan to grow cabbages, lettuces, potatoes, carrots and other root veg. In other words are they a pest or an asset ?

Get Off My Land


Moles do eat the worms that all gardeners need unfortuanty they also make molehills and if a plant is in the way that gets uprooted as well.
So best to encourage them to leave.
Clear the mole hill to see the hole underneath then with collected urine poor it down the hole.
They go by smell and the smell of humans they move on safe for plants and does not hurt the moles.
Tried and tested  it works .


Bet Jasper Carrot didn't think of that one  ;D
Get with the beat Baggy

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