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Morning Sunday :)

Started by flowerofshona, October 23, 2005, 09:45:31

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Morning all :)
Dry here in Dorset but not sure how long for !
Off up new lottie this morning to get broadbeans, onions and garlic in then up the old lottie this afternoon to clear some more of our bits'n'pieces ect :)
Have a great lottie day all xxxxxxxx



Good morning to you too  :)  I'm off to plot later - it's very wet though but might clean out the shed as I can't get in it  :)  I had to laugh yesterday.  I was trying to get my long bean canes in and could I heck as like get them in  ;D

I have a prospective newbie coming to look at the plots with me this morning so I'm hoping I can persuade him to join us.  His wife wasn't keen but I don't think he was including her in his plans and didn't invite her to visit with him.  Oh dear not a good start
I came, I saw, I composted


Well it ain't dry here (Central Scotland)!! >:( Absolutely chucking it down and has been since at least Friday night - the ground is literally waterlogged so no visit to the lottie today as most of the main paths will be flooded and as for the plots grrr . Not happy  :'(
Equality isn't everyone being the same, equality is recognising that being different is normal.


We are going up to have a look at our lottie later on.  It has stopped raining for the moment here, though it is very damp looking outside.  The sky is a forbidding shade of grey, so not expecting the weather to clear.  I am sure when we get up there, the soil at our plot will be too wet and heavy to do anything with. busy_lizzie
live your days not count your years


It hasn't stopped raining in Leeds for over a week, and I haven't been to my plot since last Sunday. I took a week off work hoping to get down to the Lottie most days. Does anyone else suffer from withdrawl symptoms if they can't get down to their lottie for a while.  I was hoping to get some winter peas and beans planted after digging up all the maincrop potatoes - trying to stick to strict crop rotation, (who am I kidding) Ha Ha.

Lets hope the rain stops soon, have looked at the 5 day forecast for Leeds and, you've guessed it, more rain. It'll stop the day I go back to work!!

regards to you all
' A problem shared is a problem halved'


Rain stopped play !!! managed to get a good load of digging done and bagged up some rubbish, then just managed to get the broadbeans in and the heavans opened and that was that ! so im going to have a lazy afternoon and watch a film and write up my lottie diary (sad i know LOL )


Absolutely excellent morning here (coventry).  Managed to dig 30sq yds and now my back is grumbling. Also helped a neighbour put her shed roof on, and lifted a few parsnips, for some curried parsnip soup for tea ...

Some time this week, I need to do my seed order for the allotment association.

Relaxing now, with a glass of wine ...  :)

Derekthefox :D


Ooh Derek most envious.  Have no wine here as we drank the house dry last night  :P     I think there's only bitter left and I don't like that  :(  Just got back from the plot.  Been there most of the day and it's not rained once  :)  My shed is now in ship shape shape and everything properly organised.   This is a departure for me and usually am chaotic  ;D   Started making me comfrey pipe but not finished it yet.  Can't wait to get it rigged up.  We have one on the communal plot but I don't have one of my own to play with.

New peeps on the plot today.  They went to council for a plot who told them there weren't any.  What a huge lie  :o  There must be hundred.  Anyway one chap who has three just moved up for them and they took it on there and then and very pleased they are too.  Seem very nice folks  :)
I came, I saw, I composted


It was raining on and off here. We shifted six tonnes of cow poo  :o Its great stuff, five years old, black and crumbly. Nice. If it dies up next weekend it will be going on the dug bit as a winter mulch.
Make the most of today, because you'll never have it back again.


I was rained off the site yesterday and it's rained most of today. Everything's waterlogged down there, but at least there are no floods.


At last I managed to get down to the lottie.  There was just an hour or two between the rain falls.  I managed to get 4 rows of winter peas in and a little weeding done before the rain started again.  I also managed to placate my withdrawl symptoms until the next visit. phew :D

' A problem shared is a problem halved'


Rained non stop here yesterday.  Looked at my poor plants and hope someone will love them when I am gone !  :'( :'( :'( :'(
Enjoy today to the full.  You are not sure of a tomorrow.

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