Can't wait to get going again.

Started by JohnnyLarge, November 10, 2005, 19:40:32

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You not a fan of left wing fire brands then Wardy - and doesn't he still only claim the average wage anymore - don't think that would pay for Belgravia or Kensington, and surely the beast must come home sometimes for surgeries etc.
Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)



Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)



Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)




Green liberal wet here. And proud of it. HA ;D


Hasland! Ah Ha.  I looked at those before taking one in Newbold!  Wardy did mention a JL from this area but that was a while back.  Small world!

Just to supliment the seeds, why not go for a couple of fruit trees (Netto £3.99)?


Well been on the plot today and spent a good half hour walking around the plot fantasising about next years crop. Sad aint it when you do that. Start fantasising about vegetables  ::) on your allotment.

Be kind to slugs and snails!


Only if that fantasy becomes warped and you envisage yourself rolling wildly in a sea of spinach...... otherwise it can be excused as planning....  :D


Quote from: KevB on November 12, 2005, 14:20:33
.....Take a look at this site for “some” of your seeds, I’ve bought from them and they’re as good as anyone else but you don’t get a fancy packet, and all at 50p a pack!! ...!
Cheers Kev

First time I've looked at this site - they ARE cheap aren't they! will give them a go this year I think...


Fantasising about vegetables Snail? I do it all the time ...  ;D

Derekthefox :D


Wardy. What with you and Lottie this site is a laugh a minute ;D ;D "Desiree" now that was adding insult to injury ::). Well I hope you didn't get any injuries other than your pride!!
Where else can you gain so much garden/allotment knowledge AND have a laugh.?? Keep it up.


Those fantasising about getting going again may like to know that the U.K.'s earliest sunset is going to occur about December 10th, so the evenings will start getting longer after that, just a minute at a time though so not a lot of extra daylight to get things done. Your latest sunrise this winter will be roughly January 2nd, 2006. To pre-empt a possible question, the briefest day light will be December 21st, 2005, as most are familiar with.


Yes John, i am familiar with the 'wobble' between the sunrise and sunset times, but I didn't realise that is was as divergent as that ... so less than a week to the earliest sunset, that gives me hope yet ...

Derekthefox :D


Quote from: Derekthefox on December 05, 2005, 10:40:51
Yes John, i am familiar with the 'wobble' between the sunrise and sunset times, but I didn't realise that is was as divergent as that ... so less than a week to the earliest sunset, that gives me hope yet ...

Derekthefox :D
I'm clutching at any straw I can find to mark the passing of winter too. My calender is marked!


Yes Wardy, yesterday was very pleasant indeed - until the rain started ...

John, I would so much prefer that we went on Central European Time, that would move the light an hour further into the evening. I would not find the dark mornings such a burden, but I doubt it will happen, people are so resistant to change ...

Derekthefox :D


thats a nice couple of pictures it makes you want to get ready Nice going big lad

another member of i forgot my password


What's this all about... we haven't stopped yet.

The weather down here has been / is quite superb, I was digging again today.
(Good job as I'm behind schedule!!)

I pricked out some Winter Delight lettuce during the week and they've picked up very well.

In the cold greenhouse the next batch of Winter Delight re coming along nicely, Dill and Spring Onions are coming through.

I said WE as a newbie joined us this week and has the whole plot to dig over.
Just muddling along, trying various crops, styles etc, will repeat what works. Will try again what doesn't!!
Photo is of me ballet dancing or is it watering the strawberries?


Today is a key day then, the evenings will be getting lighter from now.

It was also a superb day for working the plot, I got a substantial amount of digging done, so bit by bit the plot is looking better ...

Derekthefox :D

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