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Started by Val, November 28, 2005, 10:57:28

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We had a Jay on the birds nuts yesterday, couldn't get a pic, if it turns up again I'll try to snap it quick. This is the first time I've seen one in the garden, it was beautiful.
"I always wanted to be somebody…but I should have been more specific."


"I always wanted to be somebody…but I should have been more specific."


I have never seen a Jay either Val.  They look handsome birds and would love to see one.  Some day.......


I'm surprised at that since they're very common wherever there are trees. There are always a few around my site.


Plenty in Lincolnshire Robert - plenty of the entire Crow clan here except for Hooded Crows of course - Do you get those in your part of Scortland Carol?
Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)



No Hooded Crows this Way RC but plenty on the West coast area so have seen them.  I know Jays are around this area as well as theres plenty trees but I just never seen one so they are not in great numbers either.  The Nuthatch was another bird which had not reached here but it has now and now in gardens in big numbers, but not in mine yet!!!!  We have NO Magpies around here, if we see one, its to be reported.

:o :o :o :o :o


Blimey, if we had to report them round here we'd never be off the phone.  People with mobiles only would have brain tumours by the time they hit 21.
Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)



Yes its strange with the Magpies (we dont want them)  I can drive towards Edinburgh and once we go over Soutra Hill in the Lammermuirs the Magpies are seen in big numbers.  The occasional one is seen around but not in numbers.


Wonder why, it always amazes me when you have the same sort of countryside but different birds, the more I see birds and learn about our wildlife the little I really know. ::)
"I always wanted to be somebody…but I should have been more specific."

William O

Hi Val we've got a couple of lazy ones in the oak trees across the street. They wait for cars parking or driving off to crush the acorns.... ;D
Happy Gardening


Oh Wills you're so lucky, we've got the occasional glimpse when driving through the woods but this is the first time in the garden and so close.They are pretty birds. Did you see the program about the eagle owls? It was awesome, think I'd be a bit scared to see one of those.
"I always wanted to be somebody…but I should have been more specific."


We,ve had a jay in the garden for the first time here too. There are some in the woods around us I know. We also have a buzzard which seems to be taking up residence either in the Perry pear or the Ash.
By the way jays are as destructive to other birds as magpies but without the bad press!
Gardening is the great leveller.

Mrs Ava

We have Jays galore on the allotment.  I always think they are like parrots, such fab colours, and they make such a racket!  Don't have them in the garden, but plenty over in the farm and on the common.


Eric I never knew that, hmm not so sure I want to see them in the spring then when young are about. :(
"I always wanted to be somebody…but I should have been more specific."


We've always had jays fly over the garden, perhaps stopping in a tree before moving on. However, this year for the first time, they are stopping in the garden, digging in the grass (burying nuts?), and wondering round the patio looking for scraps.

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