Share a Folk Lore Saying!

Started by flowerlady, December 16, 2005, 16:45:47

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QuoteOld Folk Lore: "Plant garlic on the shortest day and it will be ready on the longest"  busy_lizzie .

Would anyone like to share with us any Folk Lore saying that they know of? 

I know there on some folk on here that could impart a wealth of information  ;D
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven: a time to be born and time to die: a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.     Ecclesiastes, 3:1-2


To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven: a time to be born and time to die: a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.     Ecclesiastes, 3:1-2


I'm sure we had a similar thread ages ago.  I think it got me into trouble  :-[

Ok I'll try another ...

If you've got wind - buy a kite! 

I came, I saw, I composted


Oh Wardy  ;D 

I wasn't thinking along those lines!!  But it's sound advice!!   ;)
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven: a time to be born and time to die: a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.     Ecclesiastes, 3:1-2


Don't tell me I've got the wrong end of the stick again!  :-[

Thought long and hard about this and still come up with nothing.

What about this ?

Marry in haste - repent at leisure  ;D
I came, I saw, I composted


Was thinking more along the lines of :-

"put chunk of rhubarb in hole for cabbage before planting to inhibit club root"  ;)
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven: a time to be born and time to die: a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.     Ecclesiastes, 3:1-2


My personal favourite:

A woman, a dog and a walnut tree
The more you beat them
The better they be

;D    ;D    ;D   
The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is the fact that it has never tried to contact us.



Ash before the oak, the summer's all a soak.
Oak before the ash, the summer's but a splash.


Hey Guys,  I was thinking along the lines of :-

Gardening Tips !!!
;D ;D ;D
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven: a time to be born and time to die: a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.     Ecclesiastes, 3:1-2


Traditional names for the various moons through the year...

January:  Wolf Moon 
February:  Ice or Snow Moon
March:  Storm or Worm Moon 
April:  Growing or Pink Moon 
May:  Hare or Flower Moon 
June:  Mead or Strawberry Moon 
July:  Hay or Buck Moon   
August:  Corn or Sturgeon Moon
September:  Harvest Moon 
October:  Blood or Hunter's Moon 
November:  Snow or Beaver Moon 
December:  Cold Moon 

Derekthefox :D

undercarriage plan

Well it doesn't rhyme, but my lil ol man says always bung a rabbit carcase into the planting hole of a Rhodie or Azalea......  :-X
And Wardy, brilliant advise..... ::) ;)


Well mines kind of a gardening tip, knowing if it will be a dry or wet summer :-\
Green fingers are the extension of a verdant heart - Russell Page


Lottie  Your old man is clearly barmy and should be locked up  ;D
I came, I saw, I composted


Here's one:

"He who plants a Rhodedendrum, should be red hot pokered up the bum"

That one rhymes - sorry to your old man Lottie buit we do really have too many of them already.
Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)


undercarriage plan

Never put a frog in a bucket.... ;D ;D ;D
And yes, Wards, completely barmy!! Though he has told me how to catch a bunny on the plot, apparently, you start walking in ever decreasing circles around the bunny as it's munching your cabbage,  starting a fair distance away, and apparently cos of their poor depth perception, you can end up right next to them, pick  'em up by ears and give them a firm teling off!! Of course, if you start the circle too big, the bunny will probaby have got bored and left....... ;D
And Ady, you can never have enough lil ol men.....honestly, bit harsh of you I feel... ;)


I found if I was less harsh, I couldn't get it to rhyme  ;D
Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)


undercarriage plan

Well there are several "um" words there's definitely drum........ ::)

terrace max

One showing is worth a thousand sayings  :)
I travelled to a mystical time zone
but I missed my bed
so I soon came home

terrace max

Many a good c ock came out of a tattered bag....
I travelled to a mystical time zone
but I missed my bed
so I soon came home


Ah, but Rhodedendrum ends with the word drum and I was looking for something more than an exact rhyme  ;D

PS use this a lot to prepare lessons:

1 syllable:
bluhm, brum, brumm, bum, chum, clum, come, crum, crumb, crumm, cum, drumm, dum, dumb, dumm, from, frum, glum, grum, gum, gumm, hum, humm, klumb, krum, krumm, krumme, kumm, lum, lumb, lumm, maam, mum, mumm, mumme, numb, pflum, plum, plumb, rum, schrum, schum, schumm, scum, shrum, shum, slum, some, strum, stum, stumm, sum, swum, thum, thumb, thumm, um, umm, yum

2 syllables:
alum, ancrum, baucum, bay rum, beach plum, become, black gum, blue gum, boyum, date from, date plum, exum, flow from, ghost gum, goose plum, green thumb, hog plum, how come, keep from, keep mum, mccrum, mccrumb, narum, pond scum, red gum, rose gum, sharum, shrink from, snow gum, succumb, swamp gum, sweet gum, tom thumb, wild plum, wring from

3 syllables:
abstain from, august plum, bubble gum, cherry plum, chewing gum, cider gum, cocoa plum, coco plum, common plum, congo gum, damson plum, desist from, direct sum, escape from, flooded gum, manna gum, mesquite gum, moxie plum, natal plum, refrain from, river gum, rule of thumb, sour gum, spirit gum, spotted gum, tidy sum, time to come, vector sum, water gum

4 syllables:
canada plum, carissa plum, chickasaw plum, forest red gum, governor's plum, governor plum, jamaica rum, japanese plum, marmalade plum, mountain swamp gum, pacific plum, peppermint gum, principal sum, river red gum, senegal gum, shy away from, sierra plum, sonora gum, stay away from

5 syllables:
alleghany plum, allegheny plum, eucalyptus gum, madagascar plum, whatever may come

6 syllables:
american red plum, american sweet gum
Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)


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