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Started by jaggythistle, December 25, 2005, 23:11:49

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undercarriage plan

Scuse me, sorry.....Lorna!!! Can't PM, obviously... ::) Just to say...the rash is alot better, the doc said the green goo should stop soon, and not to be concerned about my developing 7th toe.... ;D

undercarriage plan


 LOTTIE  Glad all is well. What a beautiful morning hope the sun is shining for every one.>.Beware  more bad weather forcast.

undercarriage plan

Sun shing here, Lorna, me liitle profiterole!! I'm off to dig, and have a huge bonfire, been collecting stuff for ages!!! Then a long walk by the river, give the fireman a cup of tea and more membrane application I hope....Have a lovely day, and catch you in about 15 mins when I get back.... ;D ;D ;D


I can get into this  ;D

Oy Doc Steve, I would have pm'd this but...

I have developed a rather uncomfortable rash in the nether regions and have a rather unsightly discharge.  What should I do?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)



RC Oh my goodness. I won't give you a hug today then ;D Urgent medical treatment required!!!!!


weather cloudy, but dry.
May go to the lottie later I hope you all had a good Christmas lets hope a good 2006


In all seriousness, please remember that for some of us the Chat is a lifeline to the outside world.
Gardening is the great leveller.

undercarriage plan

Eric, it'll be back in the blink of an eye, I'm sure...see you there for tea and scones with sprout jam... :-*


Yes I hope so, as Eric says, the chat is valuable link for people. I am still perplexed as to why the chat was disabled in the first place.

Derekthefox :D


I am sorry guys but I side with Dan on this one. I am an admin on 2 other sites and yes when things like this happen some thing has got to be done about it. It is not a punish -ment it is just to give people time to calm down and for the idiots who signed onto the site to stir it even more to find some where else to go to. Dan runns this site on his own. I am lucky the 2 other sites I am admin on has 6 other members of staff to fall back on. Dan works hard on this site and deserves to enjoy this time of year like the rest of us without the extra work load.

Ok I have said my 2 pence worth. I hope it is all over with now and we can all get back together and just forget it all ever happend.

Jill xx ( JoJi )


Oh no-has it happened here as well?.

I have not been `around` much this year but I used to enjoy `chat` in 2004.

It seems no site is free from trolls and flamers-and I do not mean regular members and those who enjoy a chat.

The Cat is back so watch out, he flirts,he offers advice,he purrs if you tickle his tummy but he has sharp claws.

Mess with his friends or a site he likes then don`t blame me ;)


So there has been unsavoury dialogue in the chatroom then? I have used it copiously, as many have, and I have never seen any overy animosity. Perhaps it was all done using the private messaging facility within chat, who knows?

Cleo, please educate this poor simple soul, what is a troll, other than a creature to challenge the three billy goats gruff ... ?

Derekthefox :D


A troll?-well I just got the feeling from some posts I have read that there is a chance that some people may have `logged in` just to upset and cause trouble. I may be talking through my ar3e.

I hope so


A troll is someone who posts something provocative to start a row then sits back and watches the resulting mayhem. There are some pretty sick people on the Net unfortunately.


Thanks Robert and cleo. Joji has made an important point here, Dan is on his own here and it can't be pleasant for him. I gather my threads initiated the problems but things must have gone on behind the scenes? However, I thought everything was logged, so the perpetrators could be identified, or am I too naive here? It is sad to believe that some people relish causing mayhem ...


Problem is, someone can appear under one name, get banned, then appear under another. I've known it happen time and again with the same guy, instantly recognisable in that particular case by his style.


I don't know about this site but the sites I am on can tell you if it is the same person by the id number your computer gives when you sign in. So anyone that is banned is recognised by the site admin and is notified and is then blocked.  :)


I am not certain here, but I think Dan has indicated previously that he can block by login name (username) or id number.

However, nothing I have witnessed would warrant blocking, some of the posting presented strong points of view, but we are all adults, and the content of my threads was in the watershed. If anyone wishes to update me privately, then I would welcome that, as I definitely feel I am out of my depth here.

Yellow Petals

Quote from: joji on December 26, 2005, 18:34:43
I don't know about this site but the sites I am on can tell you if it is the same person by the id number your computer gives when you sign in. So anyone that is banned is recognised by the site admin and is notified and is then blocked.  :)

If it's the IP addy you mean, then that can change randomly.  If you were to unplug your pute for a while and then plug it back in, the IP addy would change.

Sidenote, wish this whole thing would bog off now to be honest.  People should stop talking about it and let it die a dignified death.


Quote from: Yellow Petals on December 26, 2005, 19:48:38
Sidenote, wish this whole thing would bog off now to be honest. People should stop talking about it and let it die a dignified death.

I think your sentiments are shared by many Yellow Petals, including myself. But some unknown activities have taken place I presume, which have caused Dan to act the way he has. I feel bewildered by all this, and won't be able to relax until Dan has made his final decisions.

If you find this issue irksome, perhaps avoid this thread (said in the gentlest, politest possible way)?

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