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Smelly Breath

Started by Delilah, January 06, 2006, 10:22:32

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Oh dear one of my old ladies, cat aged 15years, has dreadful breath, took her too vets they gave tablets, but as was highlighted in another thread trying to give some cats a tablet is near impossible ::)

has anybody any ideas about anything I could include in their diet that may help the problem or help to clean her teeth!

Am currently feeding them dried food mixed with either fish or meat

If you don't make mistakes, you'll never make anything!


If you don't make mistakes, you'll never make anything!


Delilah i also had a dog with death breath, just before Christmas he had to have a dental and have 8 teeth out he is alot happier now . i also have 2 cats and best way i find to get then to take tablets is to get nice small piece of ham and wrap tablet in it , has allways worked for me good luck  :) :) :)


the vet gave us some toothpaste wardy chicken flavor , and a little  finger bob thing you put on your finger which is a toothbrush , my dog hates and and wont let me clean his teeth , vet says if i dont clean his teeth he will need more teeth out , but what can you do when the dig hates it , must find out about this toothpaste you have ,


This is why it is very important to start when an animal is very young. Then they get used to it.
It is the same with nails. Start handling a puppy's feet when it is young, and you should then have no problems if it should ever need its nails clipping.

I am lucky with my dogs, they wear their nails down. But one bites hers anyway!!!
You can take me out of Yorkshire - but you can't take Yorkshire out of me


I sympathise, as my older dog, whose nearly 13, used to have pretty bad breath as well.  I use a spray on my pets food which cut it down dramatically and helped with his flatulence as well.  My other dog and cat don't smell as bad at either end either! :D

So I can heartily recommend it.  Here's the link

And no, I don't own shares in it, honest! ;D
Sheldon, Birmingham.  I've put the pin on Google Earth where my shed is, in the allotments.  It's in an area with a satellite photo which is cool!  You can't miss it, there's a bl**dy great big Airport next door!


My 15 year old cat Kylie had an abcess last September and the vet recommended that she had her teeth cleaned under anaesthetic. I was undecided because of the cost.  The estimate was between £140 and £200 depending whether or not any abstractions were necessary.  Fortunately she only needed the tartar removed so it was at the bottom end of the estimate.  However, it was a job worth doing because she has no trouble eating now and seems in much better health.

My 6 year old dog Meggie lets me clean her teeth with an electric toothbrush.  It certainly keeps down the tartar.


I have heard about the stuff you use, Wardy, but had never known anyone before who had actually used it, so didn't know if it actually worked.
Apparently it does.
Thanks for that, worth remembering.
You can take me out of Yorkshire - but you can't take Yorkshire out of me


Thanks everyone, I will ask at the vets bout the sticky toothpaste Wards :)

Does the spray have a odour to it Mutant Hob?
If you don't make mistakes, you'll never make anything!


Thanks again, Wardy.
Not to worry about that though, our little one is the best hoover I have ever come across.
You can take me out of Yorkshire - but you can't take Yorkshire out of me


thanks wardy will have to ask vet about that toothpaste sounds ideal


Can you recommend something for a bloke in my office?

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