Scottish allotments

Started by moudie, January 16, 2006, 19:12:01

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return of the mac

Yeh well im skint so i have an excuse for being tight :D
The other week i found a hand at the beach too, :o

return of the mac



Know the skint feeling mac, on the up side it makes you a better scounger, just scrounged 2 lorry loads of road curbs today to fill my yard, and did the hand have any money in it ? THOUGHT OF THE DAY: WHO TOOK IT OFF TO GET THE MONEY?
UNDER PRESSURE (constantly)

return of the mac

No, i called the cops and they used the hi tech aberdonian method of....

...poking it with a stick, then telling me, "yes thats a hand"


Yuuuuk, didn't that make you feel like pocking them with a stick just to see if they were still alive?
  The're not much brighter here (if they had 2 braincells between them they would only fight).
UNDER PRESSURE (constantly)


Mrs KP I'm with you on the potholes, however sunshine is not lacking in Glasgow unless there has been a massive climate change.

I used to visit my sister in Edinburgh and freeze in wind and overcast skies when in Glasgow we had been basking in bikinis in the back garden.
Now I'm used to Edinburgh I find it OK but by comparison Glasgow is positively torrid. although there is plenty of rain. >:(


Rotm I'd have expected : have you had a hand in this?  ;D
Anyway I think in all decency you need to tell us more about this hand and what ensued??


Quote from: grawrc on February 19, 2006, 21:28:01
Mrs KP I'm with you on the potholes, however sunshine is not lacking in Glasgow unless there has been a massive climate change.

I used to visit my sister in Edinburgh and freeze in wind and overcast skies when in Glasgow we had been basking in bikinis in the back garden.
Now I'm used to Edinburgh I find it OK but by comparison Glasgow is positively torrid. although there is plenty of rain. >:(

how strange, my two pals who live over east always have better weather than me  ::)

had a lovely day yesterday, hoped it would carry over to today and lo and behold, fog first thing, followed by nasty cold damp with the occasional drizzle today.  got a fair bit done yesterday but not as much as i'd have liked.
There's something happening every day  @ &


Sounds like Embra. Must be climate change. Global warming..... Aaarrrggh

return of the mac

It was bones, adult hand, no money in it though, and it was near the beach but too far to have been washed up- no news from the police, maybe i should tell the local paper? ???


Local police said: "HE is helping us with our enquiries."
ROTM replied: "Just giving them a hand..." ;)

return of the mac

Graw your worse than my bro for the non emergency police number- phoned him and he asked if i needed a hand, then he texted me all day with those cheesy jokes ::)


:D hi I'm not a weegie but live in weegie city and have a lotty at Kirklee! Lived here 20 yrs and love it!


we can wave across the water, i work in the Ibrox  areea;D

i'd be interested in starting up a wee swap shop of ideas, as your microclimate is probably as similar to mine as i'm going to get, and we seem to get some strange weather around the clyde  :P

has been lovely (but cold) the past few days, now i've booked Friday off work, it's bound to be hurricanes.  Still i'll see if the runner bean frame holds up  ;D
There's something happening every day  @ &


Rache! That off the Gt Western Road?


Yup go up Great western from where it meets Byres rd, heading out of the city to the next set of lights. Turn right and continue until the bridge going over the Kelvin and just before the bridge next to the Botanic gardens Arboretum is the lotty. Its twinned with Julian gardens alottments around the corner, which is posher.
the ground is still pretty frozen on the North of the clyde, did you get any snow? I work in thornliebank and there was some out that way.
All weggie tip swaps welcome ;D


think it was wednesday that it was there in the morning, but gone by the time i got back, then friday it flurried at work but nowt at home. 

We're right on top of the hill at Hillington and it can blow a gale which is why i'm testing out my runner bean trellis with nothing growing yet. 

i can get a spade in the ground but it's thick clay, so i'm in the middle of building some raised beds, ready for the off when i get back from a weekend away at the end of march.  i've got two varieties of sweet pea coming along nicely, and some broad bean a tomatos but i've kept enough back that if nothing survives my breakaway i can start again. 

looks like the ususal grey sky today, so situation normal again.   ;D
There's something happening every day  @ &


I am going back up to God's country tomorrow :D

how is the forecast for Friday? im hoping to get a game of golf in  ;)


Where you gonna be playing golf?   Think its to be rain next few days, may be better on Fri. but doubt it.  Better off east cost cos I think the West will be getting it more!!!

:D :D


i've got the day off work to do the plot, it's bound to rain.

There's something happening every day  @ &


:-\ looks potentially dreich today

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