kids friendly gardening

Started by scotch-mist, March 06, 2006, 23:41:56

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I've thought long and hard about this and decided I really need some advice!

My budding Titchmarch's nursery school is going to get the kids to bring in Welles to plant flower seeds in,

This is to brighten up their play area (and they have asked me to help!!!)

So can anyone suggest safe, child friendly, all summer, non-poisonous plants for them?

I've thought of sunflowers(can these be grown in pots?)

I've also donated some cress to grow on the windows

I remember growing nasturtium in P7.(was thinking of these too)

I am going to see about some big pots as the area is completely concreated over and not very nice at the moment.

thanks :)
UNDER PRESSURE (constantly)


UNDER PRESSURE (constantly)


Calendula (Pot Marigolds)
You could try poached egg plants really easy to grow.

Try these links for edible flowers

Be kind to slugs and snails!


Be kind to slugs and snails!


UNDER PRESSURE (constantly)


Hi Scotchmist

My son's school planted marigolds (the smaller headed version)
this was very succecssful, we saved the seeds and now have 4th generation plants still producing excellent flowers.

Best of luck, hope you all enjoy



when my eldest was in nursery they grew carrots in pots when they wear big enough they ate them at snack time  hpe this helps


I know they're not flowers but if you can grow some peas or dwarf beans, my kids love snacking on them straight from the plant and they'll happily grow in growbags.
Green fingers are the extension of a verdant heart - Russell Page


We were going to set up a single mums and kids plot @ our lotties a couple of years ago ... it didn't come off in the end but I've got some Health and Safety docs I put together 'somewhere' on my PC (!) inc. poisonous plants etc. I'll try and mail them to you!

My son is 3 yrs old and appreciates anything that he can 'graze' on as soon as we get to the lottie in the morning and anything that grows fast!

His faves are: Strawberries, rasberries, blackcurrants, peas, sunflowers, tomatoes, courgettes, parsley, baby carrots, rainbow chard and pumpkins!

Also: Supersprout very kindly sent us a selection of squash seeds to grow this year which I'm sure he will LOVE! And I've got a him a packet of gourd seeds to grow as well so he can paint them in the Autumn!

Trixie XX
The Devil Invented Dandelions!


I think it's probably a good idea to let them plant veg as well as flowers, to let them find their own level. And of course, veg have flowers too don't they? From my own experience, I've never tried to channel her in any particular direction, but always tried to show enthusiasm for whatever she decided to do. Mostly she's happy just 'helping' with whatever I'm doing at the time. And this is somebody else's kid - nothing to do with me. She's also extremely useful when it comes to harvesting the blackcurrants, crawling through gaps far too small for me, and the same with the tomatoes in the greenhouse. I don't mind at all that she eats as many as she picks.  ;D

You can't please all of the people all of the time, but you can't upset them all at once either.


Its good for them better than sweets and burgers!

Be kind to slugs and snails!


Cape gooseberries were a hit with my lad - but you'd need to start them off inside now. Also cherry tomatoes, I think it's the appeal of picking straight fom the plant that's the attraction.


Yes Jenny, agree about the cherry toms. I also had a private chuckle over our strawberries last year. My OH was very disappointed with the crop, but my little friend and I knew exactly where they'd all gone.  ;D

You can't please all of the people all of the time, but you can't upset them all at once either.


;D ;D ;D Euronerd ,
                            That sounds like our house ;D
Budding Titchmarch spent all last summer checking to see if the strawberries were ripe enough to eat. (there were 5 in total ;D ;D ;D)

          Kept him busy and out of mischief ;D
UNDER PRESSURE (constantly)

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