New Allotment - How long to clear a site to be perfect???

Started by purple sprouting, May 28, 2006, 20:36:58

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We actually have a toilet on our site, which is getting a bit up market in that respect. The keys haven't been distributed yet though. It's down the far end, but it should be OK for the occasional poo, or if the family are down for some reason. I wouldn't waste pee though, it's too valuable on my crops.



Glad to hear everyting appears sorted Sprouting.

When I moved into my area 3 1/2 years I scped the area, found the allotments closest to home and put my name on the waiting list - I got a plot at the beginning of this year, and, as it is about 50 yards frm my front door have several advantages:

1. Store all tools etc at home and take what I need to the site each visit

2. Store hand tools & wheelbarrow at the plot - cos I found them when I cut back the weeds! (so they weren't originally mine to start with)...anything I find at site, stays at site.

3. Visit site each evening for 30 mins - 3 hours to water, weed, digg, sow, tend.  Rather than trying to get everything done quickly, I double dug the first bed, which was then planted (spuds & broccoli), then dug second bed (celery, onion, shallot, sweetcorn, carrot) etc.
- I only have three small 'half beds' around the (mature & heavily laden) Victoria Plum tree to dig - but these will be planted with overwinter crop (onion, kale, garlic).

4. Take photos of the plot at the beginning of each month.


Quote from: Gadfium link=topic=20276.msg212423#msg212423
nothing allowed above waist-height


No tomatoes, tomatillos, corn... etc



Whoops! Imagining lots of people bent over double to stick to the waist-high rule!  ;)

Not quite so draconian. 'No structures above waist-height allowed', but on looking about this rule seemed to be ignored when it came to plant supports. So canes are okay, and so are low storage boxes and cloches - but sheds and greenhouses are not. Was a little unsure about a trellis to support last year's cucumbers, but although it got a look or two (unorthodox construction), all was quiet. Sadly, the trellis lasted a lot longer than the cucumbers (slugs).

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