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Slugs and Greenhouses

Started by katynewbie, April 05, 2006, 12:54:53

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Dont want to use slug pellets anywhere on the open plot, but wondered if it would be ok to use them around the greenhouse to stop the b***ers eating my baby plants? Logic is that if they are inside no birds can get to them?? Whaddya think?



i would say yes but they can go a bit moldy in the GH


I have no scruples at all about using pellets in the greenhouses/polytunnel-outside is another matter.


what about that nema'stuff' supposed to be animal friendly. Iagree with you, i dont want birds or hedgehogs eating poisened slugs. this year i will mostly be using slug traps with beer (fingers crossed)



Lol...too tight to use my beer for slugs...!!!



Cut the side out of a used ice cream tub, cut a hole in the side big enough for the snails to get in too, put the pellets in and pop the lid on, and put it near your plants or dot a couple about here and there. wont pollute your soil or birds etc.



Good tip gunnerbee, ta!!


I`m against beer traps-they attract beneficial beasties as well as slugs/snails


cleo, i'm lucky if they attract slugs!!!


Smear 'Vic's vapour rub' in the lower door runner and anywhere else you have a gap.

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