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Dead goldfish

Started by bumble, April 12, 2006, 15:35:42

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Throughout winter I have kept a check on my four goldfish who live in my pond and they appeared OK.  Last week on two separate days I came across two dead goldfish, could this sudden cold spell have killed them?



Hi Bumble.

Did you feed them,either through the winter,or when we had a warm spell before it turned cold again?

Have you a pump and  filter? How deep is your pond and if shallow,did it ice over.?

Were there any marks on them,any fungus,were they bloated?

Goldfish do not die from cold weather if it happens gradually,and they can lie on the bottom of the pond.But if the fish have food trapped in their gut which they cannot digest because the temperature makes their digestive system shut down,it can poison them.

Fish are also very vulnerable after a long hard winter,it is when most diseases take hold.I would check on the quality of the water with a test kit,readily available from any aquarist centre.If the water quality is poor you are at risk of losing the others.I would do a 25% water change asap and replace with either rain water or water treated with dechlorinator.


Oh Bumble,
I am so sorry it is awfull to get through the winter only for them to pass away in the spring that is sad.
I agree with Margaret as well as the age of the fish and have you any frogs in the pool.
A friend of mine had a frog trying to mate with one of his fish and nearly killed it animals can be strange.

Lady of the Land

Margaret or any other person who has experience of fish/ponds

What are you doing at present re feeding of fish. I have fed very occasionally over last month or so, but in last week have increased that to alternate days. Fish are swimming around near top of pond sometimes during the day and are appear to be hungry as taking food fairly quickly and greedily with regards to two small koy about 7" long. Other fish are smaller goldfish type. I don't want to over feed as had one fish which died about 6 weeks ago, may have had nothing to do with the occasional feed as others all have been OK but you never know. Have only had pond since last October so no experience of over winter.

My mother in law feeds her fish over winter occasionally ie. weekly to 2 weekly with the normal fish food, she has a small pond in same area and has not had any problems. I used wheatgerm for short while late Oct early Nov before stopping feeding over winter. When first started 6 weeks ago used wheatgerm, but changed to normal fish food after about 2 weeks.

I live in SE England


On Margaret's advice I never feed the fish in the winter, for the reason she has given.  Their digestive system shuts down during cold weather.  I wait until mine are swimming around in nice warm weather for a few days before I even get the tin of food out.  I thought that I had lost all mine to a heron attack last autumn but saw 2 in the bottom of the pond while pulling out some blanket weed a couple of weeks ago ;D
Take time to stop and smell the flowers.


Normaly when the water temp drops the fish go into a sleep patteren thats when the pump goes off and feeding stops.

I like to end the feeding season with wheatgerm this is easier to digest just incase. But in last summer the fish have to be boosted up with good quality fish food to build  them up for the sleep ahead a healthy fish will go through the winter .
I always make sure I have the oxgan plants in plenty as the fish will eat these through the winter if needed if the temp rises for a few days they will natualy surface and it is tempting to feed them but eating plants is better for them.
I know some people have water heaters for winter but in this case the pump needs to be running and feeding continued in the case of very young fish.

Saying that we had about 20  2" Koi who would not sleep this winter so to keep them going they were in a seperate pool and pump going and feed twice a week they also had loads of plants and have come through with no heater. Some we lost but most are fine.

Think more luck than judgement this was hubby thinking he had a bargin buying cheap babies end of the year and me checking them every day. Never let him do that again.


Hi Teresa and Mimi.Yes,time to dig out the fish food again.Bulk buying in my case!! thank goodness i get a break in winter,they cost me a fortune over the summer but that is because i do believe in good quality food to prevent problems. sounds as if you have been doing the right thing ref feeding.Never be tempted to feed over winter.Provided they are well fed over the summer and fed wheatgerm   for about a fortnight when you start again they will be fine.My baby fish from last year have all survived(oh joy!!)and they have not been fed for over 4 months.

Mimi,good  to hear you still have some fish left after mr heron's visit.They are not so daft,are they,fish? I just need my plants to start growing and i will be happy.The kingcups in my pond pot are almost bursting into flower,they are extra big this year so i will post a pic when they are out.

Teresa,how is your hubby now?

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