where to get cheap black polythene?

Started by organicartist, June 19, 2006, 12:14:01

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As I'm still getting on top of the weeding after being ill, I'd like to get quite a lot of black polythene to keep the beds I'm not currently cultivating under control & let the weeds there die back a bit before tackling them. Anyone know of any good cheap suppliers? (I will need quite a lot, not just a few metres).

Alternatively, I guess I could always wheelchair mount my weed flamethrower?   ;D



Where do you live.  Our Allotment Supplies Hut sells it.


I live in Peterborough. sadly we don't have an allotment hut / shop - any shed or other structure erected on the plots gets burnt to the ground by the local kids   :o


We don't have an allotment shop either organicartist (what is it about Peterborough ???) so I got this for my paths


and this for ground cover


added later: both permeable!

I can keep the rolls hidden in the compost heap :)


Local builders merchants sell it  . The stuff they use for lining before laying concrete.


Agreed-builders merchant.  And for all those in the Peterborough area-take a trip to `Spalding Auction`(near Spalding obviously) on Enterprise Way just off by pass as you pass Adam`s pie factory-great deals if you ever want wholesale amounts of pots,compost sundries etc


Amazing what you can get at a pie factory :o
Thanks for the tip cleo, will take a trip out there soon ;) ;D

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