Plaiting Garlic....and Shallots

Started by dingerbell, June 19, 2006, 14:03:00

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I know this thread has come up before, but could someone point me to a good advisory site with lots of pictures that show me how to make nice plaits with my garlic. I'm anticipating a Monster harvest this year (about 80 plants) Also, is it OK to store Shallots in strings/plaits as I only ever see them stored in Onion sacks?  Many thanks in advance....Dinger



This step by step instruction is from the Garlic farm, no images though:


Plaiting: After a week out of the direct sun, perhaps two to three weeks after harvest, you should be able to begin plaiting your garlic to present it in all its glory.

Early Wight and Purple Wight you will find it easier to form a “Grappe” of 5 to 9 bulbs. It is a good way of presenting and storing garlic with stiff necks.

There is a good reason to plait garlic apart from enhancing its appearance and your reputation as a gardener â€" it is one of the best methods of storage. Try a little experiment. Take 6 bulbs and make them into a plait. Take another 6 and snip the roots and the stems to ½ inch of the bulb. Store them side by side. The snipped and cut garlic will break dormancy and begin growing up to three months before the plaited garlic. The garlic has been shocked into growth in an effort to propagate itself.

The Art of Plaiting Garlic

These instructions were compiled by one of our most experienced garlic plaiters some years ago. Don’t be put off by the length. She left nothing to chance. Its really very simple and one of the most satisfying aspects of growing garlic.

You will need :
8 or more bulbs of garlic with stem and leaf still attached but with the roots trimmed.
Raffia or string and secateurs

1. Select the two largest bulbs and hold them at the neck of the bulbs, stalks downwards. Save any smaller bulbs until the end.

2. Cross the right hand bulb over the left so that the stems form a cross tight to both necks.

3. Bring the stem of the left hand bulb around the neck of the right hand bulb as tightly as possible, around the back of the bulb and over between the two bulbs. (The stem should still end up on the right hand side).

4. Add the third bulb onto the right hand side, ensuring that the stem of the new bulb is between the other two stems.

5. Bring the left hand stem over the middle stem, so that it is now between what was the middle stem and the right hand stem. Make sure that the stems are pulled tightly together.

6. Bring the right hand stem over what is now the middle stem so that it is the new middle stem. Again ensure that the stems are pulled as tightly together as possible.

7. Add the fourth bulb on the left hand side ensuring that the stem goes into the middle. (There should now be two stems in the middle and one stem still either side)

8. (Similar to stages 5 and 6) Bring the left hand stem over the two middle stems so that it is the new centre stem. Then bring the right hand stem over the middle stem to become the new stem in the centre.

9. Add the fifth bulb onto the right hand side and repeat stages 4 to 6. (The stem of the new bulb should always join the centre stems whether adding the bulb on the right or left hand side.)

10. Add the sixth bulb onto the left hand side and repeat Stages 7 and 8 (Note that when adding a new bulb, they are added on alternate sides. A bulb on the right then on the left. The stems however are always plaited across from left to right.)

11. Continue plaiting the garlic, repeating the relevant stages until all the bulbs are added. When all the bulbs are plaited in, continue plaiting just the stems for a few times. (ie Left stems across middle stems, right stems across middle stems.)

12. Turn the plait over and tie raffia, as tightly as possible, around the plaited stems thrice and knot. Bring the two ends of the raffia together, about a thumbs distance away from the plait, double knot together and trim the ends. This will form a loop so that your beautiful home-made plait can be on-show in the kitchen.
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Stored our shallots last winter, some old fans being chucked out at work so took one part ot the cage part and threaded string to hang it and put the shallolts inside.  Just have to remember to hang where you do not mind bits dry outer skins falling on the floor.  Bit like a hanging basket.



Wow robsaaaa, that site is exactly what I wanted. The Garlic Farm instructions were a bit wordy for a simple Somerset boy like me... ???
Thanks as always....Dinger ;D


Thank you jerry, and for that link robsa, I know what I'll be doing with my garlic later this month ;D


Right - it's braiding from now on?? Good site.

Me - I'll stick to roping!

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