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Wildlife books.

Started by Heldi, July 11, 2006, 09:51:09

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I want to buy my kids and myself I guess, some wildlife books.  British wildlife that is. Something with lots of pictures. We have a couple of kids books but they don't seem to have very many photographs of caterpillers,moths,spiders and such like. There's more to butterflies than the cabbage whites!

Pondlife is a must too.  Seaside insects...we find alot of critters!

I want something that we can use when we spot something we don't know.

Any recommendations?



Mornin' Heldi,

Try the Collin's Guide to British Wildlife - full of photos, covers everything from the smallest algae to the biggest stags, and it fits easily in a rucksack when you're out and about.

Rob ;)
"Only when the last tree has been cut down, and the last river has been poisoned, and the last fish has been caught, will we realise that we cannot eat money." - Cree Indian proverb.


I use both the Mitchell Beazely field guides and the Collins Nature guides.  Both good in different ways.  The Collins use one photo of each thing whereas the MB's uses artists drawings with different views so you get to see more detail.
Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)



Hey thanks you guys. I've ordered the Collin's Guide for starters since you both mentioned it.

Things have changed a bit since I was a kid...I used to use my dad's Readers Digest road book to look things up...had all the the shapes of the road splatters in it! No ,it had a wildlife bit in the back...unfortunately I seemed to have known more about wildlife then than I do now. Somehow "other" attractions caught my attention  ;)

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