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Started by barkingdog, July 12, 2006, 22:21:29

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is it too late to sow parsnips?




not til the end of July, IMO! I have just started some off this week :)



Oh thank God :-[


Isn't that weird - I was about to ask that question because I have only managed to germinate ONE parsnip this year and I don't want to waste time and seeds if they won't grow ;D. Mind you, given my germination rate we will be lucky to have one each for christmas dinner!


I had 3 goes at getting Tender and True to go this year. In the end I gave up, bought a pack of Avonresister and planted the lot at the start of June. They came straight up, now have 3 rows :)

They are a fast-growing, late-planting variety.

Diary of my Chilterns lottie (NEW LOCATION!):


I have just re-sown some as I only had 3 come up out of 20, my worst ever year.  I am hoping this lot do better, though I haven't been able to get up to water them since they were sown. I am popping up today to check on them.  busy_lizzie
live your days not count your years


By sowing parsnip seed later than the usual date you may well avoid canker.I found quite a number of years ago that I had less canker than most people that particular year and the only difference I could find was that I had sown much later than normal.Later I attended a talk on veg. by a Suttons rep, only to hear that they had found this also. The thought behind this is that when sown early the seed germinates and should you have hard frost the very fine seed root , that is your parsnip, can be damaged so allowing the fungal spores of canker in.

Quote from: barkingdog on July 12, 2006, 22:21:29

is it too late to sow parsnips?



Sowed some last week.


thanks for all your replies. 5 rows have now been sown, so fingers crossed!!



dumb question - i have true and tender - can i module sow these or do they have to be sown direct?


not a dumb question OO - either way! :)


This thread makes me feel better.  I have posted elsewhere about my parsnips or lack of them this year.  I have sown 2 packets of 300 seeds and only have THREE germinated.  I will have one more try after reading this, I shall try and find some Avonresister (thanks Moonbells)!  Fingers crossed!  T.


i planted tender and true and they were very sparce in germinating. had to do a second sowing which i have never done before. i have spoken to other plotters and they seem to have had the same  problem. must be something to do with this wonderful weather of ours
takes over your life doesn't it


I planted T & T three times and still ended up with rubbish germination.


i mignt plant a few more now - thanks to this thread


I thought that I was on my own as to growing parsnips this year, Ive been growing them with no problems as to germination for many many years but this year, well let me put it this way tomorrow afternoon I shall be sowing for the fourth time . This is my last chance to get a crop, Whats happening  folks?

Roy Bham UK

 ::) This is weard :o as I have only been sowing parsnips for two years and had a bumper crop ??? what am I doing right? ???


what variety are you growing roy???


Have just planted another bed with some parsnips, just to see if they can make it..

I, too, have had hit and miss germination this year.

The ones I sowed straight into the ground in March and April were under 20% take-up. The ones I started off in potting compost in toilet roll tubes were 30-40% successful, and roared away once put in the ground in late April.
What if the hokey cokey is what it's all about?


Quote from: Roy Bham UK on July 14, 2006, 23:19:44
...only been sowing parsnips for two years and had a bumper crop ??? what am I doing right? ???

How deeply do you sow them Roy? What is the soil like? and do you water when sowing, and if so how often?

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