When is the best time to plant onions and garlic in Autumn?

Started by lin, August 30, 2006, 18:02:31

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was going to get my onions in today, but weather just too d**n hot, drying the soil out in no time, will wait until next week, and maybe put my garlic in end of the month.



Will be doing mine weekend after next.  Taking eldest offspring to university next weekend.


my radar onions are in root trainers but it is so darn hot here. They are now 3" high and I am thinking thay have grown too quickly. I have tight growing space and would welcome advice re whether I should plant them out or get new sets

Aunty Mavis

I always said as soon as possible but last year I went into a garden centre and they were selling off the over winter onions in January for 10p a pack. Well I had to chance 20pence worth and added them to the load I had put in the October before.

It was a harsh winter so I lost a few of the ones I planted at full price. The late planted bargains, well they caught up and not one of them died off.

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