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Sharon Fruit

Started by Biscombe, September 17, 2006, 16:19:17

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Hi all, Have any of you made anything from sharon fruit?? Got 2 trees loaded with them!!!



Make jam Rosie - that's what I used to do when I lived in Spain and had an unlimited supply from a neighbour. It's a bit bland so add lemon juice and I think I remember adding ginger.

Ah those were the days :) - all around me laden fig trees (jam with ginger too) kakis (that was the local word for sharon fruit) - pomegranates which I used to juice like oranges (a fantastic source of vitamins and minerals) and a constant stream of veggies from my market garden neighbours. 8)



Hi Tricia, sorry for the late reply!! I will try the jam! will it set ok? have you got a recipie? We've got some pomegranates nearly ready, and figs by the bucket load!! With 60 ish orange trees I'll be asking you for more ideas come december!! Thanks ever so much for the reply :)


*is deeply, deeply jealous of Biscombe's orange grove, despite knowing how lovely Biscombe is*

I presume these are eating oranges rather than Seville oranges? I only ask because I have a very well-behaved recipe for Seville orange marmalade...


Awwwwww! I'm blushing! ;)
All sweet oranges, soon we'll be swimming in OJ!! Whats you recipie Triffid cos seville oranges grow in the street, I'll give it a go


Hi Biscombe,

Sorry -- what with the forum being out of action last week etc I've only just realised you'd replied... will dig out my marmalade recipe tomorrow and PM you with it.


Sharon fruit make a cracking wine. It's a fruity tropical flavour.
Do you grow them in a greenhouse?


HI Si, My Sharons are among the orange trees, still fruiting but not for long! Good idea about the wine, never made wine before though ??? any tips/recipies??

Mrs Ava

Si, Biscombe, that lucky so and so, gardens in Spain!  Oh to be able to say my sharon fruits are amongst my oranges.....I suppose my apples are amongst my pears.....but it doesn't sound as tropical!

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