Another sort out! must be new year!!!

Started by Biscombe, January 02, 2007, 20:51:03

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Tomato    Roma V.F
Tomato    4th of July (Hybrid)
Tomato    Rutgers
Tomato    Muchamiel
Tomato    Marglobe
Tomato    Tres Cantos
Tomato    San Maranzo
Tomato    Germanhead (Not many)
Pepper     Large from Plaza
Pumpkin  Triple Treat
Cucumber Marketmore
Cucumber Burpee Pickler (Not many)
Cucumber Sugar Crunch (Hybrid)
Melon       Sierra Gold
Corgette   Burpee´s Fordhook
Aubergine Striped From Gandia
Aubergine Applegreen
Okra         Clemson Spineless
Okra         Mammoth (Not many)
Carrot       Danvers Half Long
Turnip      Santiago
Onion       Prebosa
Swiss Chard
Brussel Sprouts Semi Dwarf Hague
Cabbage    Balon
Cabbage    Milan Aubervilliers
Cauliflower Alba
Lettuce      Roman Nogatine
Herb          Rocket
Herb          Sage
Herb          Corriander
Herb          Parsley Flat leaf
Basil          Mammoth (saved seeds, the only one I grow (like lettuce!!!) no cross)
Flower       Callendula (saved)
Flower       Marigold
Flower       Purple Cockscomb

Looking for

unusual tomatoes or sungold
compact cabbage
swis chard bright lights
anything mildew resistant
storage pumpkin/squash
Squash      Any I dont have OR Pattison Panache Vert et Blanc or any green and white striped squash



OR make an offer!!


purple sprouting

Hi Biscombe,

If you have any seeds left I would love to swap some squash seeds (a few varieties) for melon and okra (I would only need a couple of seeds of each to try out).  Please PM if you are interested.

I can also send you some horseradish - but roots not seeds - if you still need some, but it won't be until March or April when the little devils pop their heads up all over my lottie.  Horseradish is delicious (I love it) but hard to control or get rid of so my advice to you (not that you are likely to need it) is to plant it in a bucket.



Sounds great! ask away for the above mentioned seeds I have loads spare! I´d be happy to get squash that I havnt got! lets swap addresses  :)

Lady Cosmos

Hai Biscombe, seeds arrived today.  Thanks a lot


Hiya!  Have a list of toms you could chose from, sinter squash and a white patti pan will pm
Flo x
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven: a time to be born and time to die: a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.     Ecclesiastes, 3:1-2

Merry Tiller

Just in case you didn't receive my PM, ta again you are a star


Not a problem! hope they grow well for you x


Hi Biscombe, I'd love to try some of your Mammoth Basil but I don't have anything on your list >:(

Could I tempt you with any of these?

Radish French Breakfast
Garlic Chives
Turnip Snowball
Tomato Gardeners Delight
Chilli De Cayenne

Let me know
Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
That way, when you criticise them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.


Hi there Biscombe

Am interested in a swop - have sent you a pm.

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning....


Rutters how about mammoth basil for gardeners delight?
Jitterbug sent you a PM
Flowerlady, sent PM will send you what you want you´re such a star!

Thanks for the swaps so far ;D
Still lots left!


Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
That way, when you criticise them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.


Hi Biscombe..your PM box is full now (you have been busy!!)

anyway do you know what postage I need to get the seeds to you?
Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
That way, when you criticise them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

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