Dreading the damage this snow will have done to plants tricked

Started by Hyacinth, February 08, 2007, 16:51:24

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into thinking it's spring :(

Hydrangeas already in bud, also the flowering currant bushes and my poor rosemary that was actually in flower, for starters...


Mrs Ava

Thing is, the snow isn't so bad, it is tonight when that slushy stuff freezes all of the lovely plants into mini icebergs.  Glad my daffs seemed so far behind now - fingers crossed they should be okay.  Also very glad I delayed dead heading the hydrangeas in a couple of gardens I tend to  so they could protect the ermerging buds.  I was supposed to be working tomorrow, but the ground is going to be so wet that I have put it off now until the sprogs go back to school.



I quite like snow because it insulates plants, you also get the benefit of good cloud cover... I just wish I could get those cuttings pushed in.


i'm quite surprised that my crocus don't seem to have been affected by our frost.  i expected them to go squidgy but they're still keeping their heads up !

There's something happening every day  @ http://kaypeesplot.blogspot.com/ & http://kaypeeslottie.blogspot.com/


I have a hanging basket full of violas brightening the fence outside my kitchen window which were covered with 2-3" snow this morning, but by this evening their cheeky faces are back again and they look none the worse for their experience! :)

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